Enjoy the Bounty of Pilgrim’s Bounty–November 20-27!

by Blizzard Entertainment

Pilgrim’s Bounty is a time to reflect upon one’s good fortune and share with all around you.

It’s time once more to take a moment and share in the bounty of Pilgrim’s Bounty during this holiday.

When: November 20-27
Where: All Capital cities and most Horde and Alliance Towns

You can brush up on your cooking skills* and share in the delectable offerings found on the veritable cornucopia on the communal dining tables located outside capital cities. Sharing is Caring so be sure to pass food to those who have joined you at your table. We’re sure that your table manners are impeccable, just make sure you duck if a “FOOD FIGHT” breaks out.

This is also a good time to go on a wild turkey hunt to earn The Turkinator achievement, or —transform your friends into tantalizing turkey targets should facing the fury of wild turkeys prove too daunting.

Don’t forget to dress up in your Pilgrim best and journey into Auchindoun in the Terokkar Forest to visit Talon King Ikiss (available to level 63 and up) to earn the achievement Terokkar Turkey Time.

Learn more about all that Pilgrim’s Bounty has to offer on Wowhead’s holiday guide.

*Don’t forget, you can level-up your cooking skills and throw your own Pilgrim’s Bounty event beyond Azeroth with the Official World of Warcraft Cookbook. Tasty recipes await you!