Visions of N’Zoth Season 4 Content Update Notes

by Blizzard Entertainment

Dungeon and Raid Updates

New Raid: Ny’alotha, the Waking City

Delve into where nightmares dwell in Ny’alotha, the Waking City, a 12-boss raid set in the Void-shrouded heart of the ancient Black Empire. Confront mad heralds and inscrutable horrors, and ultimately go eye-to-eyes with N’Zoth himself in a fateful battle for Azeroth’s survival.

Ny’alotha, the Waking City Normal and Heroic difficulties are now live, while the first wing of Raid Finder (minimum item level: 410)—Vision of Destiny—and Mythic will open next week on January 28.

Learn more about the raid and Raid Finder schedule here.

New Mythic Dungeon Affix: Awakened

Season 4 has a new affix—Awakened. While the Awakened affix is active, players will discover four obelisks throughout the dungeon, which will pull players through the veil to the shadowy world of Ny’alotha. There, players will confront a powerful lieutenant of N’Zoth and its minions which they must defeat or the lieutenant will join forces with the final boss in the instance. Once taken down, the party will be returned to their regular reality in the location they’re currently standing in. This will enable some interesting skips that don’t involve the use of Rogues’ Shroud of Concealment or invisibility.

  • Blood of the Corruptor (Defiled Spire of Ny’alotha): When facing this aberration, vile ooze will rot the earth beneath two heroes’ feet, dealing 60,000 damage a second.
  • Samh’rek, Beckoner of Chaos (Entropic Spire of Ny’alotha): Living up to its title, Samh’rek will sow destruction target three players with Cascading Terror—a powerful debuff that targets three players and fears all heroes standing beside them for a few seconds.
  • Urg’roth, Breaker of Heroes (Brutal Spire of Ny’alotha): Few can withstand the vicious fury of Urg’oth who shatters players with Spirit Breaker, increasing damage taken by a target substantially for a moderate amount of time and deals devastating damage to players who stand in Dark Fury.
  • Voidweaver Mal’thir (Cursed Spire of Ny’alotha): This powerful enemy withers champions’ minds and bodies to slow to a crawl with its Crippling Pestilence and Lingering Doubt spells, which deal a large amount of damage and reduce movement and casting speed.

Mechagon – Junkyard and Mechagon – Workshop

Operation: Mechagon enters the Mythic Keystone dungeon rotation this season as two new instances—the Junkyard and the Workshop. Each of these instances has four bosses which have been tuned for Season 4 progression.

Items and Rewards

New: Corrupted Items

With the release of Season 4, you’ll be able to earn more gear tainted with Corruption from a variety of new sources including Mythic Keystone dungeons, PvP activities, and Ny’alotha, the Waking City raid. Cursed by N’Zoth, corrupted items offer truly exceptional power—for a price. As you don more corrupted gear, you’ll find your spells will do more damage, or your heals will be more potent—but the Corruption will begin to affect you in increasingly perilous ways. At low Corruption levels, you may be slowed periodically when taking damage—while at higher corruption levels, evil forces from the Void may come for you at any moment.

Learn more about Corrupted Items here.

New Essence: The Formless Void

Now available to earn in Ny’alotha, the Waking City raid, this Essence provides new powers and a unique passive that provides some Corruption Resistance.

Mythic Keystone Dungeon Rewards

Many new powerful gear rewards are now available to earn in Season 4.

  • Item levels of rewards from level 120 Normal, Heroic, and Mythic dungeons have been increased by 30. Baseline rewards are now item-level 400 from Normal, 415 from Heroic, and 430 from non-Keystone Mythic dungeons.
  • Mythic Keystone rewards for Season 4 have been increased by 30 item levels.
  • Mythic Keystone dungeons at +7 or higher difficulty now award end-of-run items that scale up to item level 465 at Mythic +15 difficulty.
  • Item level improvements for weekly rewards now extend to Mythic +15 difficulty, which awards an item level 475 piece of gear in the weekly chest.
  • Cloaks do not drop in Season 4 weekly caches or in the Darkshore Heroic Warfront.
  • Any items not updated for Season 4 (for example, items from The Eternal Palace or Heroic-difficulty Darkshore Warfront) can continue to Warforge and Titanforge up to item level 455, but cannot be Corrupted.
  • Starting in Season 4, Mythic Keystone dungeons have a chance to drop more than 2 items at +16 difficulty or higher (was +11 difficulty).

Titan Residuum

Spend your hard-earned Titan Residuum on new item-level 460 and 475 Azerite armor pieces and tokens. Costs for previously available Azerite pieces have been reduced.

Profession Items

  • Several new profession items and recipes are now available to loot from the servants of N’Zoth.

Mythic Keystone Dungeon Updates

  • Enemy health and damage in Heroic dungeons increased by 25%.
  • Health and damage of enemies in non-Keystone Mythic dungeons increased by 45%; Normal dungeons are unchanged.
  • Mythic Keystones have been reduced by 4 levels, to account for this difficulty increase.

Player versus Player

Welcome to Season 4: Corrupted

Season 4 spins a web of new player-versus-player content including the visually updated and redesigned Deepwind Gorge. Inspired by Arathi Basin, the new Deepwind Gorge has five capture points for teams to battle over. Maintaining control over the Market, Farm, Ruins, Shrine, and Quarry will be key to securing victory as the first faction to reach 1,500 points wins!

Participants can earn two new faction-themed Vicious mounts, and the highest-rated players will unlock the new Corrupted Gladiator’s Proto-Drake mount.

Player versus Player Reward Updates

  • Item levels of rewards earned from War Chests from all PvP tiers (Unranked, Combatant, Challenger, Rival, Duelist, and Gladiator) increased by 30.
  • Item levels of end-of-match rewards for all PvP tiers increased by 30.

New Brawl: Teeming Islands

This large-scale battle Brawl brings an additional challenge to the shores of PvP Island Expeditions by increasing the total amount of players from six to 20 on the biggest Islands (Havenswood and Jorundall).

When the Brawl is active, players can join the fight by opening up Group Finder (default hotkey: i), selecting it from the Player vs. Player tab, and queueing up.

World Bosses

While many of the greatest threats to peace in Azeroth are locked away in ancient vaults or perched atop soaring fortresses, others walk brazenly beneath the open sky in Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

  • Grand Empress Shek’zara: Grand Empress Shek’zara uses her powerful voice and Zara’thik Swarmguard to overwhelm enemies.
  • Vuk’laz the Earthbreaker: This living weapon of war attempts to overcome its enemies with devasting physical attacks. As the battle rages Vuk’laz summons scarabs to its aid from beneath the Writhing Sands.

New Heroic Warfront: Darkshore

Battle for Darkshore

In Season 4, you’ll be able to play the Heroic version of the Darkshore Warfront. Just like Heroic Stromgarde, you’ll need to coordinate with a premade group of 10 to 20 players to win against the relentless forces of the enemy. Victorious players can earn item level 460 gear rewards.

Interact with the War Table in Boralus or in the Port of Zuldazar with your raid group to join the fight. Note that the option to queue for Heroic Battle of Darkshore will become available when the next time a certain faction commences an assault on Darkshore in a given region. Regions that are already partway through a Battle of Darkshore attack cycle will be able to access Heroic difficulty the next time Darkshore comes under attack in Season 4.

To view all content update notes, click here.

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