Dragonflight: Getting into the Wing of Things

by Blizzard Entertainment

Have your adventures in the Shadowlands ended? Are you ready to soar through the skies on the back of a dragon? Maybe you've paused your journey through the Dragon Isles and want to catch up. Whatever your reason for getting into the wing of things, we're here to help set you off to 70 in Dragonflight.

Explorers and Adventurers Wanted

The Dragon Isles have lain dormant and are waiting for explorers to uncover the secrets of a lost past. While on your journey, you'll assist the Dragonflights in reclaiming their legacy while also helping the inhabitants dwelling within these ancient lands.

To begin the trek to the Dragon Isles, players must own the Dragonflight expansion and have a character at level 60 or higher.

For New Players

If you're new to World of Warcraft and have never created or leveled a character, you will automatically begin your journey into Azeroth with the Exile's Reach starting experience. Here you will learn the basics of your class and the fundamentals of interacting with the world you've become a part of.

After completing the adventure, you'll move into Battle for Azeroth, where you'll be able to dig into the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde and level to 60 before moving on into the Dragon Isles and the new high-level areas introduced in Dragonflight.

For Veteran and Returning Players

If you're a veteran player or you've leveled a character before, you can opt out of the Exile's Reach starting experience and begin at level 1 in the starting area for your race instead. Upon reaching level 10, you can continue into Battle for Azeroth or speak with Chromie to choose a Timewalking Campaign. Choose an expansion and continue leveling until you can enter the Dragon Isles at level 60.

Players with Allied race characters will begin at level 10. Non-Allied race Death Knights and Demon Hunters will automatically start at level 8 and play through their own starting experience before moving on at level 10.

For those who have reached higher levels but stepped away for a couple of expansions, you will be offered a teleport to Chromie to choose a timeline to begin your adventure.

The Dragon Isles Await

Along with a level cap of 70, Dragonflight will have players busy with a new set of features to explore. To take the first step, however, our heroes of the Alliance and Horde will need to know where to begin the Dragonflight quests.

Once your character reaches level 60, you can start the Dragonflight questline. The short intro quest occurs in your faction's capital city, Orgrimmar or Stormwind. There you will recruit troops before jumping aboard a zeppelin or ship, beginning your journey to the Dragon Isles and the first zone you'll explore—the Waking Shores. [Learn More]


Members of the Alliance will be notified to meet with Wrathion near Stormwind Keep. Follow a short quest chain that will have you gather the Artisans, Explorers, and Scholars needed for the expedition to the Dragon Isles. After speaking with Dervishian and Archmage Skadgar in Stormwind City, you'll receive the "Chasing Storms" quest to guide you to Stormwind Harbor. Accept Storm Hunter William's "To the Dragon Isles!" quest and prepare to set sail!


Those aligned with the Horde will also receive an alert once they enter the gates of Orgrimmar. Follow the quest that will guide you to meet with Ebyssian in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar. Set out to gather the Artisans, Explorers, and Scholars for the expedition to the Dragon Isles. After talking with Kodethi and Archmage Khadgar in Orgrimmar, you will receive the quest "To the Dragon Isles!"—make your way to the zeppelin just outside the city to continue your adventure.

Leveling Your Alts with Adventure Mode

Dragon Isles Adventure Mode is a system that will assist in leveling your alts in Dragonflight. Once you reach level 68 on your main character and complete the campaign storyline for each zone—The Waking Shores, Ohn'ahran Plains, The Azure Span, and Thaldraszus—Adventure Mode will unlock for your alts. This will open World and Profession Trainer Quests and allow them to explore the zones in any order when they step onto the Dragon Isles.

You can make the best of your alt's journey and aim to hit Renown levels 10 and 20 on your main characters. Doing so will help earn Renown faster at the lower Renown levels for your alts and open up a treasure trove of rewards like toys, transmogs, and dragonriding customizations.

Story So Far: Take Wing Through Time with the Dragon Aspects

Imbued with titan-bestowed powers and charged with protecting Azeroth, the dragon Aspects have worked tirelessly to fulfill their ancient destiny. Theirs is a history of betrayal, corruption, and a fight for the very survival of their legacy. Soar through the history of the dragon Aspects to a time before the Dragon Isles awaken. [Learn More]

Awaken to Face a Shattered Past: Dracthyr Evoker

This hero class is both a race and a class in combination. Created by Neltharion the Earth-Warder, the essence of dragons was combined with the adaptability of the mortal races to create an elite soldier capable of switching from a draconic form to a humanoid form. Long in a magical stasis, they are now awakening in the Forbidden Reach to a new reality and begin reclaiming their fractured memories. Players with Dragonflight can create their first level 58 Dracthyr Evoker. [Learn More]

Respect Comes with Great Rewards: Major Factions and Renown

You'll meet four Major Factions as you progress through the Dragon Isles. Each faction seeks an alliance with burgeoning heroes and offers unique account-wide goods and services like cosmetic items, recipes for Professions, and Dragonriding customizations. The four Major Factions within the Dragon Isles are the Dragonscale Expedition, the Iskaara Tuskarr, the Maruuk Centaur, and the Valdrakken Accord. It's important to understand the Major Factions, their role, and how they can help you in Dragonflight. [Learn More]

Soar Into Battle: Dragonriding

Ascend to new heights and soar above the Dragon Isles on your own dragon. A skilled Dragonrider is a force to be reckoned with, capable of catching up to any foe, ambushing enemies from above, and soaring above the Dragon Isles with impressive speed. Through your travels on the Dragon Isles, you'll begin training to become a dragonrider and earn a Dragon Isles Drake. In the hands of a skilled rider, these imposing winged terrors are capable of masterful maneuvers. It's time to master the skies of the Dragon Isles. [Learn More]

Adventure Lies Ahead: Dragonflight Dungeons

Four level-up and four maximum-level dungeons await players who venture into the Dragon Isles. Whether you're looking for loot, a new challenge, or to learn more about this ancient land, you'll need to gather your courage— and your allies— for the trials ahead. [Learn More]

Face An Ancient Enemy: Vault of the Incarnates Raid

The Primalists breached the Titan prison used to hold the Incarnates for millennia. Within, Raszageth performs a foul ritual to unleash her siblings so together they can purge the world of the Titans' influence. The champions of Azeroth must assault this impregnable fortress and break their defenses to end this threat. While many could fall, defeat condemns all the realms to the Incarnates' reign of fire and blood.

Vault of the Incarnates is the first raid players will experience in Dragonflight, featuring eight all-new boss encounters available in four difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. [Learn More]

Dress Appropriately: Gearing Up for Battle

Revival Catalyst

There are several ways of getting into gear to prepare you for the battles ahead, and the Revival Catalyst will help you get a leg up with upgrades to your non-set gear items. A guide to help you unlock the Revival Catalyst in Tyrhold after you grab the starting quest, “Reviving the Machine” from Watcher Koranos in Valdrakken, can be read here.

Primalist Invasions

The Primalists are rallying some of their strongest forces with storms of epic proportions to preserve their plans to dominate Azeroth. Head out with your fellow adventurers to seal their portals around the Dragon Isles and defeat their mighty monstrosities. More on how to get gear as you defend the Dragon Isles from the onslaught can be read here.

Complete Activities, Obtain Unique Items: Trading Post

A new feature can be found in World of Warcraft®*— the Trading Post**! Complete monthly activities to earn currency toward decking out your characters in cosmetic transmogs, pets, and mounts***— with new items and activities introduced monthly. [Learn More]

Now is the perfect time to explore the Dragon Isles and team up with allies to reclaim the legacy of the Dragonflights. Whether you're returning to the land of Azeroth or new to these magical lands, we've put together some helpful information to prepare you for the journey ahead.

Discover other features in World of Warcraft with our Dragonflight overview article. You can also keep tabs on content changes throughout the week (or since you last played!) with our hotfix articles.

We look forward to seeing you soaring above the Dragon Isles!

*The Trading Post feature is not available in WoW Classic titles.
**Requires World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time
***Requires Level 10 to access the Adventure Guide.