Community News

Welcome to the Community News! There is always some interesting news, fan fiction, comic, artwork, guide or machinima that is worth sharing. In this blog we will provide you with a recap of this week's latest news and community highlights!

This week's news from Azeroth

Mists of Pandaria Beta - First Impressions
If you've not experienced the Mists of Pandaria beta yet, WoWjuju has a bountiful selection of screenshots for you to peruse. They've also given their first impressions of the monk class, the Pandaren race, and their starting zone.

MoP Beta - Pet Journal Preview
If one of the features you're most looking forward to is the release of the all-new Pet Battle system in Mists of Pandaria, we definitely recommend taking a look at the Pet Journal Preview by WoWjuju.

Temple of the Jade Serpent overview
WoW Insider enters Mists of Pandaria's dungeon, Temple of the Jade Serpent, and reports their findings. If you'd like an overview of this new encounter, including screens, boss descriptions and overall impressions, this article is well worth a read.

Mists of Pandaria - Instance Revamp Overview
The TenTonHammer crew are battling their way through the beta test to bring you this overview of three instances which have been revisited in the coming expansion: Ragefire Chasm, Scholomance and Scarlet Monastery.

Lil’ Tarecgosa Miniature
It seems that Namow has been hard at work creating another one of his fantastic miniatures. See his amazing Lil' Tarecgosa sculpture with step-by-step images shown.

Found something cool or want to share your own creation? Check out our Facebook and Twitter pages as well as our official fansites throughout the week, if you want to stay on top of community updates as they become available.