New Player Tips – Death Becomes You

New Player Tips is a recurring feature in which we ask World of Warcraft veterans to share their thoughts and advice for new adventurers on a variety of in-game topics.

This week’s topic is: Your first death knight.

As a new player gets started in World of Warcraft, with such a myriad of considerations before him or her, the first 55 levels of adventure on a single character may seem like a lot. For some players, it takes months before any one character becomes a “main” and is leveled to 55 or higher. For others, it’s only a matter of days.

In any case, your very first death knight is an experience like no other, with a play style and requirements that challenge and delight players of many stripes. Motivations vary, from deciding to role-play a death knight, to learning a unique way of tanking, to simply experiencing the full breadth of a new class. Any way you slice it, there’s a lot to learn.

Understanding the rune system, the various leveling specs, and gaining a firm grasp on the associated gearing decisions that follow the creation of your first death knight is a tall order. Even determining which race to choose on the character creation screen can be a worrisome decision. Clearly some advice is in order.

If you were a new player starting your first death knight today, what would be your overall strategy? As a seasoned veteran, what tips would you give to help newcomers make the most of the newest class in the game? And don't forget to vote up the comments you agree with!

See what players had to say last time about Azeroth’s greatest vistas.