Unveil the mists: Join now the Battle of Theramore

September 16th by Blizzard Entertainment

The Battle of Theramore, first of many scenarios coming to World of Warcraft, is a story-changing event that will be available to level-85 characters for this week only — the week leading up to the Mists of Pandaria launch on September 25.

For the duration of the week of September 17-24, level-85 characters will be able to queue up for and participate in the Alliance and Horde versions of the Battle of Theramore with two friends.
After the lifting of the mists, the Battle of Theramore will join all other scenarios as level-90-only content, and everyone — including players who missed it at level 85 — will be able to play through the event. Also, moving forward with our Scenarios preview blog, we also present to you the remaining six scenarios for Mists of Pandaria that have just been added to our website.

Click the thumbnails to learn more about these new, story-driven adventures that await you and your friends!

Unga Ingoo

Arena of Annihilation

Crypt of Forgotten Kings

Brewmoon Festival

Fall of Theramore - Alliance

Fall of Theramore - Horde