The Library: Tides of Darkness

The Library
March 2nd by Meozeldian

Warcraft's history abounds with heroic tales, fierce battles, and painful losses that have had a lasting impact on the world of Azeroth. This series, "The Library," presents fiction depicting some of the Warcraft universe's most epic moments and greatest mysteries.

Long before the Cataclysm, tragedy befell Stormwind City. The bold orc Blackhand the Destroyer led the bloodthirsty Horde on an offensive that laid waste to the human capital and put a decisive end to the First War between orcs and humans. This dreadful event is the starting point for Aaron Rosenberg's engrossing novel Tides of Darkness.

In light of Stormwind's fall, Azeroth's human rulers realise that they have only two options: unite and fight the orcs' onslaught, or face oblivion. Hope emerges from a new order of holy warriors — paladins — who pledge to defend their lands from any threat. Regardless, uncertainty remains concerning whether any force, no matter how brave and noble, can triumph over the merciless orcs.

This epic tale involving famous characters from the Warcraft universe details the formation of the Alliance of Lordaeron and its valiant stand against the rampaging Horde. Read about how these early conflicts between orcs and humans forged the beginning of the Horde-Alliance rivalry — the results of which still echo today — in Tides of Darkness!