Blizzard Hashtag Twitter Campaign

We love communicating with Blizzard gamers through as many mediums as possible, so it’s 'bout time we kicked our Twitter pages... into overdrive. We’re starting a new campaign with unique Twitter hashtags to cover a variety of topics on our Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo Twitter pages. Follow us and be on the lookout each week for random questions or interactive tweets from your favored game universe, or universes. (Universi?) Check our tweets with the #WoWTag, #SC2Tag, or #D3Tag hashtags and tweet your best response. Your replies can range from ridiculous, to awesome, to ridiculawesome, but don’t forget to include the hashtag. We’ll be sharing some of our favorite responses on Twitter, in our official community sites, and around the table in ‘Coffee with the Devs’.

This campaign is already in progress, so buff up your Twitter account now and join the battle of wits, words, and whimsy!