blog results for in-game event
14 Results
Midsummer Fire Festival is now!

Across Azeroth and Outland, brilliant bonfires have been lit to rekindle peoples’ spirits and ward off ancient evils. Each year, new guardians are chosen to watch over the sacred flames and ensure that they are never extinguished.

8 years ago
Moons + Explosives = Lunar Festival!

Every year, the druids of Moonglade hold a celebration of their city's great triumph over an ancient evil. During the Lunar Festival, citizens of Azeroth have the opportunity to honor their elders by celebrating their sage wisdom, sharing in magnificent feasts, and (of course) putting on a fireworks display!

9 years ago
Love Is in the Air!

Love and adoration are in the air in the major cities of Azeroth… and in celebration of the occasion, you’re invited to share candy, perfume, and gifts with guards, townsfolk, and other players for special rewards.

9 years ago
Feast of Winter Veil

Ho ho hello, um, little child. I'm Greatfather Winter, and I – courtesy of the fine folks of Smokywood Pastures... "Fresh from our farm to your plate, it's Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness" – would like to wish you a fantastic Feast of Winter Veil.

9 years ago
Pilgrim's Bounty is Here

We invite you to celebrate Pilgrim's Bounty with us. It's a time for reflecting on your journeys and good fortune and sharing plentiful food and stories with friends. You can partake in wonderful Pilgrim's Bounty feasts near major towns by sitting at a Bountiful Table and enjoying the foods you find.

10 years ago
The Day of the Dead!

During the Day of the Dead, the people of Azeroth gather in graveyards to celebrate and cherish the spirits of those they have lost. One can find the festivities in the cemeteries of any major city where celebrants cook, drink, Don costumes and more!

10 years ago
Hallow's End!

Observed by both the Horde and the Alliance, Hallow's End is a celebration of the break between the Forsaken and the Scourge. Many tricks and treats await adventurers seeking holiday fun, including defeating the Headless Horseman, visiting inns and cities for fun items such as masks and costumes, and eating way too much candy in one sitting.

10 years ago

Brewfest is a time for both the Horde and Alliance to enjoy the fermented fruits of the harvest: pretzels, cheese, and booze! The competing Thunderbrew and Barleybrew breweries (along with neutral Ogre brewers) come together outside of all the major cities in a bid to outdo each other with their ales, meads, and beers...

10 years ago
Pirates' Day!

Avast, mateys! Commoners outfitted as scurvy pirates will appear tomorrow in all the world’s cities bringing rum news: the Dread Captain DeMeza and her crew have landed in Booty Bay and declared this day to be Pirates’ Day! If you’re brave enough to share her grog, you may have what it takes to become an honorary crew member for the day.

10 years ago
Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival is celebrated by both the Horde and the Alliance as a time to commemorate those who have sacrificed their lives to help their allies. The Alliance honors the memory of all the fallen, but particularly Uther Lightbringer. The Horde also remembers those who have fallen, with special emphasis on the memory of Garrosh Hellscream’s father, Grom.

10 years ago
Children's Week is Coming: April 28 - May 5

Children's Week is coming! Taking place once a year in Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Dalaran, and Shattrath City, this week-long celebration is a time to give back to the innocents orphaned by war.

10 years ago
Noblegarden is Coming: April 21 - April 28

The great feast of Noblegarden has long been celebrated by the races of the Alliance and recently adopted by those of the Horde. During this joyous event, it is customary for the nobles and lords from each race to hide coins, candy, and the occasional treasures within special eggs painted to look like wildflowers.

10 years ago
Welcome to the Darkmoon Faire!

A gathering of the exotic from around the world and beyond, the Darkmoon Faire is brought together by its founder Silas Darkmoon as a celebration of the wondrous and mysterious. Don’t be shy now, don’t be bashful - step right up for a tantalizing glimpse of what Silas has in store for you!

11 years ago
New Year is Nigh!

Another year is ending in the rich world of Azeroth. Countless battles have been fought, and numerous accolades achieved. It is time to laud victories and give remembrance to the fallen.

11 years ago