The Horseman Rides: Hallow’s End is Nigh!

Hallow's End
by Blizzard Entertainment

It’s time for Tricky Treats, costumes, and—of course—the return of the Headless Horseman during this year’s Hallow’s End!

Hallow’s End celebrates the break of the Forsaken from the Scourge.

Fun and mischief reign as the Innkeepers of Azeroth give treats, and tricks, to whomever asks.

The spookiest time of year has arrived once more, and the Headless Horseman rides forth to strike terror into the hearts and minds of Azeroth’s citizens.

When: October 18–November 1
Where: Trick-or-Treat throughout the inns of Azeroth, Northrend, Pandaria, Outland, Draenor, the Broken Isles (Dalaran), and the Dragon Isles for tasty treats and currency to buy Hallow’s End delights.

New This Year

Macabre merriment spreads as Hallow's End comes to the Dragon Isles with Valdrakken decked out in spooky splendor.

  • Bountiful Candy Buckets can be found in all the zones, along with a new achievement, "Tricks and Treats of the Dragon Isles. See below for a list of Candy Buckets found throughout the Dragon Isles.
  • The Headless Horseman encounter comes with new challenges, new abilities, new Achievements, and a special hard mode that includes Wicker Curses to slightly improve your odds of receiving some sought-after rewards.
    • New Rewards:
      • Windborne Velocidrake: Hallow's End Armor (Must be Level 60 and own Dragonflight)
      • Arfus Pet: Rise in service of the Lick King, the adorable ghostly pup, Arfus! Lucky players who take down the Headless Horseman have a chance to add him to your collection. Getting him also gains you the achievement, “The Lick King”.
      • An off-hand item, Bucket of Morbid Treats, is available from Hallow's End vendors Chub and Dorothy.

Visit the Candy Buckets in the Dragon Isles.



The Azure Span

Camp Antonidas, Camp Nowhere, Iskaara, Theron's Watch, Three-Falls Lookout

The Forbidden Reach

Morqut Village

The Waking Shores

Apex Observatory, Dragonscale Basecamp, Life Vault Ruins, , Obsidian Bulwark, Obsidian Throne, Ruby Lifeshrine, Skytop Observatory, Uktulut Backwater, Uktulut Pier, Wild Coast, Wingrest Embassy

Ohn’ahran Plains

Broadhoof Outpost, Emberwatch Maruukai, Forkriver Crossing, Ohniri Springs, Pinewood Post, Rusza'thar Reach Shady Sanctuary, Teerakai, Timberstep Outpost


Algeth'era Court, Garden Shrine, Gelikyr Post, Temporal Conflux, Valdrakken (The Parting Glass), Valdrakken (The Roasted Ram), Valdrakken (Weyrnrest)

Zaralek Cavern

Loamm, Obsidian Rest

All together now! —the Headless Horseman is back to set fire to Razor Hill and Goldshire once more. You’ll need to lend a hand on the bucket brigade to put them out and face the infamous rider.

It would be a lovely time of year to take a stroll through the Scarlet Monastery’s Graveyard if the Headless Horseman hadn’t decided to make it his new lair. If you're lucky and succeed in routing this menace from within, you may ride off with his steed.

Throughout Hallow’s End, characters level 10-60 will be able to queue up for this ghoulish encounter in the Dungeon Finder.

Head to Val’sharah to undertake a quest that begins with the Hag of the Crooked Tree in Bradensbrook. Follow the tale through to its culmination and you’ll receive some Tricky Treats and a chance of receiving one of four utterly bewitching hats.


There are a total of 21 achievements that can be earned during this event. Completing the Meta-Achievement, Hallowed Be Thy Name, rewards the title: The Hallowed. The eleven Achievements that need to be completed to earn this title include: Trick or Treat!, Out With It, Bring Me the Head of... Oh Wait, The Savior of Hallow's End, That Sparkling Smile, Rotten Hallow, G.N.E.R.D. Rage, Check Your Head, The Masquerade, Sinister Calling, Tricks or Treats of Azeroth.

Rotten Hallow

Ruin Hallow’s End for the Alliance and foil their attempts to wreck the Horde celebration by completing the following quests: Stink Bombs Away!, Clean Up in Undercity, A Time to Build Up, A Time to Break Down.

Bring Me The Head of … Oh Wait

Kill the Headless Horseman.

Check Your Head

Use Weighted Jack-o’-Lanterns to put pumpkin heads on each of the races: Blood Elf, Draenei, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Human, Night Elf, Orc, Tauren, Troll, Undead, Worgen.

A Frightening Friend

Find Pepe wearing his spooky scarecrow costume.

G.N.E.R.D. Rage

Earn 10 honorable kills while under the influence of the G.N.E.R.D. buff. It’s a slap in the face!

The Mask Task

Obtain a Mask during Hallow’s End.

A Mask for All Occasions

Collect the 24 unique Masks listed: (Male and Female each) Blood Elf, Draenei, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Human, Night Elf, Orc, Tauren, Troll, Undead, and Worgen.

The Masquerade

Get transformed by the Hallowed Wands listed: Bat, Ghost, Leper Gnome, Ninja, Pirate Skeleton, Wisp.

Out With It

Eat so many Tricky Treats that you get an upset tummy.

The Savior of Hallow’s End

Complete one of the quests to save a village form the Headless Horseman.

Sinister Calling

Obtain a Sinister Squashling pet and Hallowed Helm through looting or Tricky Treats from the Hallow’s end world events.

That Sparkling Smile

Show off your sparkling smile by using a Tooth Pick.

Trick or Treat!

Receive a handful of treats from one of the Candy Buckets located in an inn.

Tricky Treats of Azeroth

Complete the Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Outland Tricks and Treats achievements.

Visit the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.

Zone Locations


Hellscream’s Watch, Silverwind Refuge, Splintertree Post, Zoram’gar Outpost


Bilgewater Harbor


Karnum’s Glade, Shadowprey village


Razor Hill

Dustwallow Marsh

Brackenwall Village, Mudsprocket


Whisperwind Grove


Camp Ataya, Camp Mojache, Stonemaul Hold


Bloodhoof Village

Northern Barrens

The Crossroads, Grol’dom Farm, Nozzlepot’s Outpost, Ratchet


Valley of Strength


Cenarion Hold

Southern Barrens

Desolation Hold, Hunter’s Hill

Stonetalon Mountains

Krom’gar Fortress, Sun Rock Retreat


Bootlegger Outpost, Gadetzan

Thunder Bluff

Lower Rise

Un’Goro Crater

Marshal’s Stand



Visit the Candy Buckets in Eastern Kingdoms.



Arathi Highlands



Fuselight, New Kargath

Blasted Lands

Dreadmaul Hold

The Cape of Stranglethorn

Booty Bay, Hardwrench Hideaway

Eastern Plaguelands

Light’s Hope Chapel

Eversong Woods

Fairbreeze Village, Falconwing Square



Hillsbrad Foothills

Eastpoint Tower, Tarren Mill

The Hinterlands

Hiri’watha Research Station, Revantusk Village

Northern Stranglethorn

Grom’gol Base Camp

Searing Gorge

Iron Summit

Silvermoon City

The Bazaar, The Royal Exchange

Silverpine Forest

Forsaken Rear Guard, The Sepulcher

Swamp of Sorrows

Bogpaddle, Stonard

Tirisfal Glades

Brill, The Bulwark


The Trade Quarter

Western Plaguelands


Visit the Candy Buckets in Outland.



Blade’s Edge Mountains

Evergrove, Mok’Nathal Village, Thunderlord Stronghold

Hellfire Peninsula

Falcon Watch, Thrallmar




Area 52, The Stormspire

Shadowmoon Valley

Altar of Sha’tar or Sanctum of the Stars

Terrokar Forest

Stonebreaker Hold


Zabra’jin, Cenarion Refuge

Visit the Candy Buckets in Northrend.



Borean Tundra

Bor’gorok Outpost, Unu’pe, Taunka’le Village, Warsong Hold


The legerdemain Lounge, Sunreaver’s Sanctuary, The Underbelly


Agmar’s Hammer, Moa’ki Harbor, Venomspite, Wyrmrest Temple

Grizzly Hills

Camp Oneqwah, Conquest Hold

Howling Fjord

Camp Winterhoof, Kamagua, New Agamand, Vengeance Landing

Sholazar Basin

Nesingwary Base Camp

Storm Peaks

Bouldercrag’s Refuge, Camp Tunka’lo, Grom’arsh Crash Site, K3


The Argent Stand, Zim’Torga  

Visit the Candy Buckets in Cataclsym zones.




Temple of Earth

Mount Hyjal

Grove of Aessina, Nordrassil, Srhine of Aviana

Twilight Highlands

Bloodgulch, Crushblow, The Krazzworks


Oasis of Vir’sar, Ramkahen


Deepmist Grotto, Legion’s Rest, Silver Tide Hollow, Tenebrous Cavern

Visit the Candy Buckets in Pandaria.



Dread Wastes

Klaxxi’vess, Soggy’s Gamble

Jade Forest

Dawn’s Blossom, Greenstone Village, Grookin Hill, Honeydew Village, Jade Temple Grounds, Sri’La Village, Tian Monastery

Krasarang Wilds

Dawnchaser Retreat, Marista, Thunder Cleft, Zhu’s Watch

Kun-Lai Summit

Binan Village, Eastwind Rest, The Grummle Bazaar, One Keg, Zouchin Village

The Veiled Stair

Tavern in the Mists

Townlong Steppes

Longying Outpost

Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Mistfall Village, Shrine of Two Moons

Valley of the Four Winds

Pang’s Stead, Stoneplow

Rotten Hallow

Ruin Hallow’s End for the Horde and foil their attempts to wreck the Alliance celebration by completing the following quests: Stink Bombs Away!, Clean Up in Stormwind, A Time to Gain, A Time to Lose.

Bring Me The Head of … Oh Wait

Kill the Headless Horseman.

Check Your Head

Use Weighted Jack-o’-Lanterns to put pumpkin heads on each of the races: Blood Elf, Draenei, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Human, Night Elf, Orc, Tauren, Troll, Undead, Worgen.

A Frightening Friend

Find Pepe wearing his spooky scarecrow costume.

G.N.E.R.D. Rage

Earn 10 honorable kills while under the influence of the G.N.E.R.D. buff. It’s a slap in the face!

The Mask Task

Obtain a Mask during Hallow’s End.

A Mask for All Occasions

Collect the 24 unique Masks listed: (Male and Female each) Blood Elf, Draenei, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Human, Night Elf, Orc, Tauren, Troll, Undead, and Worgen.

The Masquerade

Get transformed by the Hallowed Wands listed: Bat, Ghost, Leper Gnome, Ninja, Pirate Skeleton, Wisp.

Out With It

Eat so many Tricky Treats that you get an upset tummy.

The Savior of Hallow’s End

Complete one of the quests to save a village form the Headless Horseman.

Sinister Calling

Obtain a Sinister Squashling pet and Hallowed Helm through looting or Tricky Treats from the Hallow’s end world events.

That Sparkling Smile

Show off your sparkling smile by using a Tooth Pick.

Trick or Treat!

Receive a handful of treats from one of the Candy Buckets located in an inn.

Tricky Treats of Azeroth

Complete the Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Outland Tricks and Treats achievements.

Visit the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.

Zone Locations



Azuremyst Isle

Azure Watch

Bloodmyst Isle

Blood Watch




Craftsmen's Terrace


Karnum's Glade, Nijel's Point

Dustwallow Marsh



Seat of the Naaru


Talonbranch Glade, Whisperwind Grove


Dreamer's Rest, Feathermoon STronghold

Northern Barrens



Cenarion Hold

Southern Barrens

Fort Triumph, Honor's STand, Northwatch Hold

Stonetalon Mountains

Farwatcher's Glen, Northwatch Expedition Base, Thal'darah Overlook, Windshear HOld


Bootlegger Outpost, Gadgetzan



Un'Goro Crater

Marshal's Stand

Winterspring Everlook

Visit the Candy Buckets in Eastern Kingdoms.



Arathi Highlands

Refuge Point


Dragon's Mouth, Fuselight

Blasted Lands

Nethergarde Keep, Surwich

The Cape of Stranglethorn

Booty Bay

Dun Morogh




Eastern Plaguelands

Light's Hope Chapel

Elwynn Forest


The Hinterlands

Aerie Peak, Stormfeather Outpost


The Commons

Loch Modan

Farstrider Lodge, Thelsamar

Northern Stranglethorn

Fort Livingston

Redridge Mountains


Searing Gorge

Iron Summit


The Trade District

Swamp of Sorrows

Bogpaddle, The Harborage

Western Plaguelands

Chillwind Camp

Wetlands Menethil Harbor, Swiftgear Station
Westfall Sentinel Hill
Wetlands Greenwarden's Grove

Visit the Candy Buckets in Outland.



Blade’s Edge Mountains

Evergrove, Sylvanaar, Toshley's Station

Hellfire Peninsula

Honor Hold, Temple 




Area 52, The Stormspire

Shadowmoon Valley

Altar of Sha’tar or Sanctum of the Stars, Wildhammer Stronghold

Terrokar Forest

Allerian Stronghold


Cenarion Refuge, Orebor Harborage, Telredor

Visit the Candy Buckets in Northrend.



Borean Tundra

Fizzcrank Airstrip, Valiance Keep, Unu'pe


The legerdemain Lounge, Silver Enclave, The Underbelly


Moa'ki HarborStars' Rest, Wintergarde Keep, Wyrmrest Temple

Grizzly Hills

Amberpine Lodge, Westfall Brigade

Howling Fjord

Fort Wildervar, Kamagua, Valgarde, Westguard Keep

Sholazar Basin

Nesingwary Base Camp

Storm Peaks

Bouldercrag’s Refuge, Frosthold, K3


The Argent Stand, Zim’Torga  

Visit the Candy Buckets in Cataclsym zones.




Temple of Earth

Mount Hyjal

Grove of Aessina, Nordrassil, Srhine of Aviana

Twilight Highlands

Firebeard's Patrol, Highbank, Thundermar, Victo's Point


Oasis of Vir’sar, Ramkahen


Darkbreak Cove, Grotto, Silver Tide Hollow, Tranquil Wash

Visit the Candy Buckets in Pandaria.



Dread Wastes

Klaxxi’vess, Soggy’s Gamble

Jade Forest

Dawn’s Blossom, Greenstone Village, Jade Temple Grounds, Paw'don Village, Pearlfin Village, Sri-La Village, Tian Monastery

Krasarang Wilds

Marista, Zhu's Watch

Kun-Lai Summit

Binan Village, The Grummle Bazaar, One Keg, Westwind Rest, Zouchin Village

The Veiled Stair

Tavern in the Mists

Townlong Steppes

Longying Outpost

Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Mistfall Village, Shrine of Seven Stars

Valley of the Four Winds

Pang’s Stead, Stoneplow

To pass through the mists of time and visit Undercity as it was before, speak with Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades.

Learn more about Hallow’s End in Dragonflight on Wowhead’s Hallow’s End guide here. This event is also occurring within WoW Classic—check out Wowhead's Hallow's End Holiday Guide - Wrath of the Lich King Classic for more.