October’s Trading Post is Spooktacular
Get a little spooky and maybe a little ooky with this month’s Trading Post offerings. Take a magical ride with this month’s signature item—Eve’s Ghastly Rider mount—and show off your class pride with new Death Knight, Demon Hunter, and Druid sets.
Visit T&W** (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar to check out all the latest items*** they have available.
Ride the Final Surge to the Finish
This month, new activities are available to help players catch up on their activity bar. These events will begin one week before the end of the month.
Here’s What’s in Stock for October
Class Armor Sets and Weapon Sets
Death Knight
Demon Hunter

High Scholar's Grand Staff
Item Type: Staff
Cost: 500 Trader's Tender
This Month’s Bonus Reward

Complete activities to fill the bar at the top of the Traveler’s Log found in the Adventure Guide (Shift-J)***, and you’ll receive this month’s bonus reward— Eve’s Ghastly Rider mount. You’ll cackle with glee as you sweep by your foes.
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Create A Shadowflame Crest | Collect Shadowflame Crest fragments and create any type of Shadowflame Crest. | 30 |
Obtain Flightstones | 100 | |
Loot Treasure Chests in Niffen Caves | Loot treasure chests while exploring caves alongside a niffen companion in Zaralek Cavern. | 200 |
Complete 1 Time Rift | Complete a Time Rift in Tyrhold Reservoir in Thaldraszus on the Dragon Isles. | 50 |
Complete 5 Time Rifts | Complete a Time Rift in Tyrhold Reservoir in Thaldraszus on the Dragon Isles. | 150 |
Complete 3 Waking Dreams | Complete Waking Dream events in the Dreamsurged zones around the Dragon Isles. | 50 |
Complete 15 Waking Dreams | Complete Waking Dream events in the Dreamsurged zones around the Dragon Isles. | 100 |
Collect 100 Dreamsurge Coalescence | Collect Dreamsurge Coalescence from activities in Dreamsurged zones around the Dragon Isles. | 100 |
Collect 250 Dreamsurge Coalescence | Collect Dreamsurge Coalescence from activities in Dreamsurged zones around the Dragon Isles. | 150 |
Defeat Rare Elites Empowered by the Dreamsurge | Defeat rare elites in the currently Dreamsurged zone of the Dragon Isles. | 100 |
Earn Reputation Throughout the Dragon Isles | 70 | |
Complete Dragonriding Courses on the Dragon Isles | Speak to a Bronze Timekeeper on the Dragon Isles. | 100 |
Complete a Dragonriding Challenge Course on the Dragon Isles | Speak to a Bronze Timekeeper on the Dragon Isles. | 25 |
Complete 5 Dragonriding Challenge Courses on the Dragon Isles | Speak to a Bronze Timekeeper on the Dragon Isles. | 50 |
Complete Advanced Dragonriding Races on the Dragon Isles | Complete Advanced dragonriding races in the Waking Shores, Ohn'ahran Plains, Azure Span, and Thaldraszus. | 100 |
Darkmoon Faire (October 1-October 7)
Title |
Description |
Travel Points |
Speak with a Restless Spirit |
Talk to a ghost on the Darkmoon Faire island. |
50 |
3 Secrets Found | Complete Secrets of Azeroth quests or discover related secrets. | 100 |
Wear a Fish Head to the Dungeons | Use the Dungeon Finder tool to complete a dungeon while wearing a Severed Crimsonscale Head or Severed Azurefin Head fished up on the Darkmoon Faire island. | 100 |
Brewfest (October 1-October 6)
Title |
Description |
Travel Points |
Participate in a Chowdown |
50 |
Great Gnomeregan Run (October 14)
Title |
Description |
Travel Points |
Participate in the Great Gnomeregan Run |
Join the footrace at New Tinkertown in Dun Morogh. |
100 |
Complete the Great Gnomeregan Run as a Level 10 or Under Gnome in a Pink Shirt | Join the footrace at New Tinkertown in Dun Morogh as a level 1-10 gnome or mechagnome while wearing a Pink Mageweave Shirt. | 150 |
Hallow's End (October 18-October 31)
Title |
Description |
Travel Points |
Repeatedly Defeat The Headless Horseman |
Defeat The Headless Horseman again and again. |
100 |
Defeat The Headless Horseman with All 4 Wicker Men Curses | Defeat The Headless Horseman after accepting all 4 curses from the Wicker Men. | 100 |
Bob for Apples with a Hallow's End mask | Bob for apples while wearing a Hallow's End mask. | 50 |
Visit Candy Buckets while in War Mode | Collect Handful of Treats from Candy Buckets around the world while in War Mode. | 50 |
Visit Candy Buckets in the Dragon Isles | Collect Handful of Treats from Candy Buckets in the Dragon Isles. | 50 |
Visit Candy Buckets in Pandaria | Collect Handful of Treats from Candy Buckets in Pandaria. | 50 |
Complete 5 Hallow's End Daily Quests | 100 | |
Complete 15 Hallow's End Daily Quests | 150 |
Title |
Description |
Travel Points |
Win 1 PvP Pet Battle |
-- |
50 |
Win 5 PvP Pet Battles | -- | 100 |
Win 1 PvP Pet Battle with Undead Pets | Win 1 PvP Pet Battle using at least 2 undead pets | 50 |
Defeat Pandaria Master Tamers | Defeat 3 Pandaria Master Tamers. | 100 |
Title |
Description |
Travel Points |
Fulfill Crafting Orders |
Speak to a crafting orders clerk at the Artisan's Market in Valdrakken. |
200 |
Complete Weekly Gathering Quests |
Speak to a profession trainer at the Artisan’s Market in Valdrakken |
100 |
Catch Fish in Pandaria | 100 |
Title |
Description |
Travel Points |
Defeat a Dragon Isles World Boss |
100 |
Defeat 5 Raid Bosses |
50 |
Defeat 20 Raid Bosses | 100 | |
Defeat 25 Dungeon Bosses | Defeat dungeon bosses that grant experience. | 100 |
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Complete 10 Quests | Complete quests that grant experience. | 100 |
Complete 25 Quests | Complete quests that grant experience. | 100 |
Complete 50 Quests | Complete quests that grant experience. | 100 |
Complete 5 World Quests | 50 | |
Complete 10 World Quests | 50 | |
Complete 25 World Quests | 100 | |
Complete Dragonriding World Quests in the Forbidden Reach | Speak to a Bronze Timekeeper on the Dragon Isles. | 100 |
Complete Quests in Pandaria | Complete quests that grant experience in Pandaria. | 150 |
Title | Description | Travel Points |
/cackle at a Forsaken player | Emote /cackle at a Forsaken player. | 50 |
Tend to your Farm at Sunsong Ranch | Till the soil of Sunsong Ranch at Halfhill in the Valley of the Four Winds. | 50 |
Reach Level 30 | Level up any character to level 30. | 25 |
Reach Level 40 | Level up any character to level 40. | 25 |
Reach Level 50 | Level up any character to level 50. | 25 |
Reach Level 60 | Level up any character to level 60. | 25 |
Reach Level 20 | Level up any character to level 20. | 25 |
Reach Level 70 | Level up any character to level 70. | 25 |
How it Works
Get Tender Every Month
At the first of each month, players with an active account in good standing will receive 500 Trader’s Tender automatically every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache. If you don’t have active game time on your account or aren’t a subscriber at the start of a new month, don’t worry. Your Tender will be awarded on the first day of the month when you do have game time or an active subscription. This will be the same amount for everyone, regardless of how you pay for your game time.
The Traveler's Log
Complete monthly activities listed in the new Traveler’s Log. Each month features a rotating, themed set of activities. These activities provide the opportunity to earn up to 500 additional Trader’s Tender. There’s only a set amount of Tender you can earn each month through completing activities, so you won’t need to complete all the ones in the log each month. You’ll be able to pick and choose from a variety of fun in-game activities to easily earn Tender. Players can choose to earn by continuing to play the game as they already do, such as completing quests, competing in battlegrounds, participating in holiday activities, and even running Mythic+ dungeons. But you can also choose to take part in activities uniquely designed for the month.
Freeze an Item
Before the month comes to an end, if you haven’t purchased that one “must-have” item yet, don’t worry. You can “freeze” an item so you can purchase it later. When you freeze an item, it will stay available month over month until it is purchased or replaced.
If this month’s offerings didn’t have the items you wanted, you can hang on to your Trader’s Tender to spend later. It won’t go anywhere, and unspent Tender will continue to accumulate each month.
What a Tender Moment
As a way of saying “Thank you” to the community for continuing to play World of Warcraft with us, we are awarding a bonus 500 Trader’s Tender to players who purchase Dragonflight and add it to their account†. This bonus Trader’s Tender will also be rewarded retroactively to players who have already purchased Dragonflight. Players can collect this bonus Trader’s Tender from their Collector’s Cache.
Learn more about the Trading Post in our previously published news post on the official site.
*The Trading Post feature is not available in WoW Classic titles.
**Requires World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time
***Requires Level 10 to access the Adventure Guide.
†Bonus Trader’s Tender is granted only once per Battle.net account.