Memories of Blizzard Video Contest

video contest

Thank you for joining us during Blizzard Entertainment's twentieth anniversary celebration. We couldn't have made it here without you, so we're inviting you to join us in making this milestone even more memorable by entering our upcoming Memories of Blizzard video contest.

For two decades, players like you have provided us with wonderful memories, and we'd love to know how our games have been a part of yours. Unleash your creativity and capture your favorite Blizzard game-related memory on video.

How you do it is up to you; your favorite moment can be heartwarming, hilarious, or truly epic. Your video can be live action, animated, or something in-between -- what's important is the memory you share with us. If your video gets us misty-eyed or makes us stand up and cheer, it could be chosen as one of the winning entries. You can earn countless accolades, untold fame, universal admiration...and legendary prizes including:

Ready to take us on a journey through time and space? Check out the official rules page for details and eligibility.