New Player Tips: Travel Speed

New Player Tips
April 4th by Kaivax

New Player Tips is a recurring feature in which we ask World of Warcraft veterans to share their thoughts and advice for new adventurers on a variety of in-game topics.

This week's topic is: getting around.


Off and Away!

All characters start out in World of Warcraft with the ability to walk and run at the same speed. As characters gain experience and cross leveling thresholds that allow them to increase their travel speed, the game changes in subtle ways. The world gets smaller, terrain passes by more quickly, and when the time comes to fly, the world below you can disappear altogether.

For a moment, imagine that you are advising a new player about the subject of increasing travel speed as they dig deeper into the game. What do you suggest?

Perhaps you think they should put off flying for a few levels, or save up every bit of gold they can to purchase their first epic flyer as soon as possible. How do you wish you’d been advised to saddle up when you were still only walking? Tell the world in the comments below!


See what players had to say last week about etiquette.