New Player Tips – The Edge of Glory

New Player Tips
June 15th by Kaivax

New Player Tips is a recurring feature in which we ask World of Warcraft veterans to share their thoughts and advice for new adventurers on a variety of in-game topics.

This week’s topic is: Azeroth’s greatest vistas.

Few experiences in World of Warcraft can compare to the sense of discovery felt when exploring Azeroth’s landscapes for the first time. Whether you appreciate lush exteriors or glittering caves, soaring heights or ocean’s depths, there are countless opportunities to find a panorama that’s easy on the eyes.

In fact, it might seem overwhelming.

Considering how much else there is to learn and enjoy with a character leveling up, new players who delight in seeing the most enchanting landscapes might not know what they’re missing. Some of the best views out there are hard to find, or easy to miss. Many of the best of them require specific gear or skills to reach. So we turn to those of you who have found them out and ask, where do you go to see the sights?
Off and away!

If you were a new player starting today, where would you head with your camera bag? As a seasoned veteran, what tips would you give to help newcomers find Azeroth’s most exquisite scenery?

See what players had to say last time about secondary professions for fun and profit.