Celebrated by both the Horde and the Alliance, the Brewfest is a time to enjoy the fermented fruits of the harvest: pretzels, cheese, and booze! The competing breweries Thunderbrew, Barleybrew, and the Ogres, all come together outside of all the major cities in a bid to outdo each other with their special ales, meads, and beers. Brave adventurers are invited to sit back, take a pull, and sample the finest wares these brewers have to offer!
When September, 20 - October, 6. |
Where Ironforge (Alliance) and Orgrimmar (Horde). Beer gardens will also be set up outside of Silvermoon City, Darnassus, Undercity, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff, the Exodar, and Shattrath. |
Currency: Brewfest Prize Tokens Brewfest Prize Tokens are the currency to purchase festival clothing and other special items. You can collect them by completing quests, including the daily quests that are part of the festival. |
Learn More on fan sites Wowhead, Wowpedia |
Every year, the brewmasters from Drohn’s Distillery, T’chali’s Voodoo Brewery, the Barleybrews, and the Thunderbrews celebrate their handiwork with two weeks of fun, frivolity, steins, spirits, and sausages right outside the gates of Ironforge and Orgrimmar.
When September, 20 - October, 6. |
Where Ironforge (Alliance) and Orgrimmar (Horde). Beer gardens will also be set up outside of Silvermoon City, Darnassus, Undercity, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff, the Exodar, and Shattrath. |
Currency: Brewfest Prize Tokens Brewfest Prize Tokens are the currency to purchase festival clothing and other special items. You can collect them by completing quests, including the daily quests that are part of the festival. |
Learn More on fan sites Wowhead, Wowpedia, WoW Center (Polish), WoWFan (Czech). |
Every year, the brewmasters from Drohn’s Distillery, T’chali’s Voodoo Brewery, the Barleybrews, and the Thunderbrews celebrate their handiwork with two weeks of fun, frivolity, steins, spirits, and sausages right outside the gates of Ironforge and Orgrimmar.
With so many revelers enjoying the fermented fruits of the harvest—pretzels, cheese, and booze—it’s only a matter of time before the Dark Iron Dwarves from Blackrock Mountain will crash the party. You can team up and drive them back to the Grim Guzzler to earn valuable Brewfest Prize Tokens.
If the Dark Iron are already running for the mountains, you can also earn tokens by completing daily keg deliveries, barking runs for the brewers, and other quests that you can drink your way through. After a few too many, you might even spot a pink elekk or wild wolpertinger.
Activities | |
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Seasonal Boss: Coren Direbrew |
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Ceremonial Keg-Tapping |
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Brew of the Month Club |
Daily Quests | |
Ram racing |
Adventurers can show their ram-riding skills by speaking with Neill Ramstein or Ram Master Ray. Before they'll trust you with their precious rams, though, you'll need to prove you can control one! Once you've proven your expertise at handling the rams, you can earn some Brewfest Prize Tokens by picking up some kegs of brew from Kharanos or Razor Hill and bringing them back to the fest. |
Barkers Wanted |
The representatives of some of the major breweries want adventurers to help out by advertizing their brews in Orgrimmar and Ironforge; just speak to one of the brewers for Barleybrew or Thunderbrew outside of Ironforge or T'chali's Voodoo Brewery or Drohn's Distillery outside of Orgrimmar to get started. |
Defend the Fest |
During the first few days of the Brewfest, the envious Dark Iron dwarves will launch a sneaky invasion of the festivities. Determined drinkers must rally to protect the ale and to give the Dark Irons a sound thrashing lest they make off with the booze. |
Merchants and Vendors |
These professional hoarders will trade Brewfest Prize Tokens for food, festive clothes, mounts, a pet, and more! |
Brewfest gives you the chance to collect a seasonal mount (different according to your faction) and pet, as well as a variety of costumes, fun items, and of course many dishes and beverages!
Seasonal Mounts | ||
Swift Brewfest Ram |
Great Brewfest Kodo |
Seasonal Pets | ||
Wolpertinger |
Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm |
Costumes and Fun Items | |||||
Brewfest Garb |
Brewfest hats |
Brewhelm |
Eyesight Enhancing Romance Goggles |
Synthebrew Goggles |
Commemorative Stein |
Direbrew's Remote |
Pandaren Brewpack |
Brewfest Pony Keg |
Brewfest Keg Pony |
Preserved Brewfest Hops |
Fresh Brewfest Hops |
Seasonal Food | |
From the Thunderbrew Stout to the Barleybrew Light, you’ll be able to purchase many different beverages with your Brewfest Prize Tokens, as well as a great variety of food including sausages, pretzels, onion cheese and more sausages! |
Brewfest currently offers a total of 110 achievement points, split over 10 achievements and 1 meta-achievement. | |
Please note that all objectives for achievements for the Horde and Alliance are relatively the same, with some minor differences. |
If you complete the 6 Brewfest achievements below, your character will gain the title of Brewmaster. |
The Brewfest Diet | Brew of the Month |
Direbrewfest | Down With The Dark Iron |
Does Your Wolpertinger Linger? | Have Keg, Will Travel |
Visit our Brewfest gallery for some images from the annual event!