blog results for 5.4 Under Dev
13 Results
The Time Has Come: Legendary Quest Line

When last we met, my intrepid heroes, we spoke of many varied and wondrous things—of dragons and kings, and most importantly, legends. You’ve come a long way, and perhaps by now you’ve become friends with the Black Prince, Wrathion. You may not sit down for tea or take long walks on the beach, but you have an . . . understanding of sorts.

11 years ago
PvP Season 14 Armor Preview

Take a look at the Grievous armor sets that Arena and Rated Battleground competitors can earn in Season 14.

11 years ago
Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar Preview Video

We’re adding a lot of new content in Patch 5.4—so much, in fact, that we couldn’t blame you if some of the biggest new additions managed to slip under your radar. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got you covered with this short video overview of Siege of Orgrimmar.

11 years ago
Tier 16 Raid Armor Preview

Garrosh’s warmongering and treasonous behavior must be stopped! Though many challenges await raiders who dare to take on the Siege of Orgrimmar, the rewards will certainly be epic. Before you head into the new Raid instance, here’s a glimpse at the Tier 16 armor sets you’ll be able to earn.

11 years ago
An Evening on the Timeless Isle

"It’s dawn and something just doesn’t feel right. It’s almost as if the axis of Azeroth wobbled a bit overnight, and this time it had nothing to do with me smackin’ Oondasta upside the head." --Major Payne

11 years ago
Patch 5.4 Raid Preview: Siege of Orgrimmar

The tensions stoked by Garrosh Hellscream’s arrogance have reached a boiling point with the devastation unleashed upon the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Now it’s time for leaders of the Alliance and Horde to lay siege to Hellscream’s capital and topple the ruthless Warchief once and for all!

11 years ago
Gearing Up for Patch 5.4

We’ve added a lot of content to World of Warcraft since players first set foot on Pandaria—so much, in fact, that if you’re primarily interested in getting to the newest content as quickly as possible, it can be a challenge to find the quickest path through it all. Worry not! Let us be your own personal grummle guide, helping you navigate through your first days and weeks at level 90.

11 years ago
Preparing for Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar

World of Warcraft Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar will be upon us on September 10. To help you prepare, we’ve provided an overview of vital information you need to know so things go smoothly when patch day arrives.

11 years ago
Patch 5.4: Destruction of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Sealed shut for many years to outsiders, the Vale of Eternal Blossoms has been the physical and spiritual center of Pandaria and a place of great beauty and reverence—but something has gone horribly wrong, and this once beautiful, seemingly untouchable land has been deeply and irrevocably scarred.

11 years ago
Dev Watercooler: Dissecting Patch 5.4 Class Changes

I wanted to take a moment to provide context for some of the Patch 5.4 class changes that we’ve been making. If you haven’t already, you’ll want to get acquainted with the 5.4 PTR Patch Notes.

11 years ago
Patch 5.4: Proving Grounds Preview

There comes a time in any healer, tank, or damage dealer’s life when they decide to take their skills and abilities to the next level. When that time comes, the Proving Grounds will be waiting.

12 years ago
Patch 5.4 Arena Update

Big changes are coming to World of Warcraft’s Arenas that will make participating more convenient and competitive than ever before, and some of those changes may begin appearing on the PTR very soon.

12 years ago
A Raid for All Seasons: Flexible Raid Preview

Raids in World of Warcraft have a long history of not just challenging players, but changing and evolving as the years and expansions go by. As with everything in the game, we’re always thinking about what more we can bring to raiding to improve the experience for an even wider range of players.

12 years ago