blog results for Tanking
4 Results
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight

One of the fun things about working on an MMO is that the game design will evolve over time, and you have the opportunity to make changes to reflect those design shifts. (And yes, we know that it can sometimes evolve too quickly). Back in December, I wrote a blog post about our vision for how threat should work. Since then, the game and the community have continued to progress and the designers have found ourselves changing our minds about the role of threat. Enough that we’re planning to apply a hotfix this week to change how threat works.

13 years ago
Ask The Devs #9 - Tanking

The answers are in from our latest installment of Ask the Devs.

13 years ago
Tanking With a Vengeance

A very nice paladin player asked me recently about Vengeance. She had concerns about the mechanic, which made me realize that we haven’t done the best job of explaining to players exactly what Vengeance is supposed to accomplish.

14 years ago
Explorers' League Journal: The First Entry

Well met, travelers! Welcome to the first entry in our ongoing Explorers' League Journal. Together, we'll embark on frequent journeys through the fascinating World of Warcraft community and investigate the latest developments and topics of interest being discussed throughout the lands. It wouldn't be a proper start without drawing your attention to the exciting live preview and impending official launch of the brand-new World of Warcraft community site! Now, let's dig deeper and explore the riches.

14 years ago