blog results for WoW Cataclysm
3 Results
Cataclysm Classic: Hour of Twilight Arrives February 18!

In Hour of Twilight, Deathwing’s reign of terror will finally come to an end. Featuring a new raid, unexplored dungeons, a legendary rogue quest line, the latest raid tier armor sets, major story developments, and much more. Hour of Twilight has something for everyone.

11 days ago
Cataclysm Classic: The Molten Front Now Live!

Prepare to face Ragnaros in the Firelands by taking the initiative in the Molten Front. Join the defenders of Hyjal as they work to create a foothold in the Firelands to quell the onslaught of Ragnaros’ elementals before patch 4.4.1 goes live.

5 months ago
Get Ready for the Molten Front and Season of Discovery Phase 5!

There’s a bounty of adventure waiting for players in Cataclysm Classic and in Season of Discovery Phase 5. Players will be able to begin preparing to face Ragnaros in the Firelands when the Molten Front goes live early in Cataclysm Classic on September 17. Those taking part in Season of Discovery can venture into danger within Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub on September 26.

5 months ago