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3113 Results
Reminder: WoW Annual Pass – Last Chance

As adventurers gear up to battle demonic hordes with the impending launch of Diablo III, the World of Warcraft Annual Pass offer will soon close to new sign ups. If you plan on questing in both Sanctuary and Azeroth in the coming year and haven’t signed up yet, the Annual Pass is a great value that should not be missed.

12 years ago
New Warcraft Art & Comic

We’ve updated our Trading Card Game art gallery to feature ten new pieces. Each image is taken directly from the official World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. We've also added a new community comic to the gallery.

12 years ago
New Screenshot Gallery: Celestial Steed

Check out our Celestial Steed screenshot gallery, with 24 of the best player submissions. As always, if you'd like to contribute to our galleries, please submit your screenshots. You can view all of our screenshot galleries here.

12 years ago
Patch 4.3 Hotfixes

Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight.

12 years ago
J!NX World of Warcraft Spring Collection is Ready to Wear

Just in time for the spring season, J!NX presents you with a new collection of World of Warcraft tees!

12 years ago
World of Warcraft Patch 4.3.4 Notes

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.3.4 is now available on all realms. Below you'll find the official patch notes. Notes for all World of Warcraft patches can be found here

12 years ago
Did You Know . . . ? Blizzard Music Section

If you’re interested in the soundscapes of Blizzard’s games, don’t forget the Blizzard Music Section. Check out some of your favorite songs and scores from Diablo, StarCraft, Warcraft, and World of Warcraft.

12 years ago
New Warcraft Art & Comic

We’ve updated our Trading Card Game art gallery to feature ten new pieces. Each image is taken directly from the official World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. We've also added a new community comic to the gallery.

12 years ago
Welcome Back!

So you just accepted the new and improved Scroll of Resurrection from a friend, but you don’t know what to do after reaching level 85. Don’t worry: between dungeons and raids, new battlegrounds, the Archeology profession, more class/race combinations, transmogrification, and the reforging feature, there's plenty of content to explore. Check out our compact "Welcome Back!" guide to learn more.

12 years ago
War College - Flag Defense

This week, the topic of discussion is: Flag Defense - What tactics and tricks do you employ to ensure that critical battleground flags don’t fall to the opposition? What works to stop your opponents from capturing a location… and what doesn’t?

12 years ago
2012 World of Warcraft Arena Pass Registration Now Open

We're pleased to announce that registration for the 2012 World of Warcraft Arena Pass is now open!

12 years ago
Cataclysm Recap Video: Legendary Rogue

Amid the turmoil of the Cataclysm, a shadowy figure known as Wrathion sought to cleanse his fellow black dragons of corruption . . . by wiping them from the face of Azeroth. Crucial to his quest was a world-renowned rogue -- a hero of unparalleled courage, who helped vanquish Deathwing himself.

12 years ago
Soul of the Aspects -- Pet Store Exclusive

Meet the diminutive Soul of the Aspects – a pint-sized version of the Heart of the Aspects flying mount. As your newest faithful companion pet, this radiant whelpling flies by your side through the skies of Azeroth, celebrating your adventures together with aerial summersaults and twisting corkscrews.

12 years ago
Did You Know . . . ? Submitting Media

Many of the best updates found on our website each week were created by you! Fan Art, Screenshots, Wallpapers, and Comics all come from player submissions, and we want to thank you for your wonderful contributions.

12 years ago
New Warcraft Art, Comic, & Wallpaper

The World of Warcraft Fan Art Section has been updated with four new pieces of fan artwork. We've also added a new community comic to the gallery, and we've updated our Trading Card Game art gallery to feature ten new pieces.

12 years ago
War College - Alterac Valley

This week, the topic of discussion is: Alterac Valley - Which strategies are most effective in this battleground for your faction? What tips, tricks and tactics have you discovered? What common mistakes have you witnessed?

12 years ago
New Screenshot Gallery: Spectral Flying Mounts

Want your own Spectral Gryphon or Wind Rider? For a limited time, you can earn this free faction mount when you use a Scroll of Resurrection to bring a friend or former guildmate back to World of Warcraft. Check out our Spectral Gryphon and Wind Rider screenshot gallery with 12 of the best player submissions.

12 years ago
Experience the World of Warcraft: Wolfheart Audiobook!

For a limited time (4/04- 4/18),  publisher Simon & Schuster is offering World of Warcraft bibliophiles the opportunity to purchase the audiobook version of Wolfheart at 20% off through the Moontoast social commerce platform. In addition to offering this discount, readers will also be able to download audio previews of the Prologue and Chapter 1 for free on Simon & Schuster’s site.

12 years ago

Though its origins are steeped in druidic festivals from times long past, the current incarnation of Noblegarden is a contrast between ancient traditions and modern interpretations. While some races of Azeroth try to stay true to the original spirit of the holiday, others prefer a more lighthearted approach -- in essence, looking everywhere for festively decorated eggs and collecting the goodies found within. One tenet all can agree on is that the feast of Noblegarden is meant to bring communities together to share the joy of life and friendship.

12 years ago
2012 World of Warcraft Arena Pass Coming Soon

We’re pleased to announce that the 2012 World of Warcraft Arena Pass is nearly here. Starting April 10, players will be able to sign up to compete against like-minded individuals in a dedicated Arena sandbox. The Arena Pass service will feature access to the special tournament realms with level-85 character templates and epic gear from Cataclysm.

12 years ago
A New World of Warcraft Comic

We've added a tasty new community comic to our gallery. This one was submitted by Arakn.

12 years ago
Core Hound Pup Screenshot Contest Winners

Our Core Hound Pup adoption campaign is well underway. Have you posed for a picture with your fire-breathing Fido? We picked the most memorable images submitted to us through January 2012, and rewarded the winners with an iPad. Check out the final set of recent winning entries.

12 years ago
Sending and Receiving a Scroll of Resurrection

Our updated Scroll of Resurrection campaign is well underway, and many players are taking advantage of this opportunity to bring friends and former guildmates back to the game. We’ve noticed that many of you have questions about how the program works. We’re here to provide answers, and one of the ways that we’re doing so is with this pair of quick tutorial videos.

12 years ago
April Fools!

We hope you enjoyed our April Fools' Day jokes for 2012! If you missed them, check out this year's pranks.

12 years ago
New Blizzard Kidzz Series to Offer the Most Epic Learning Experiences . . . Ever!

Games can be incredibly useful tools to teach players valuable skills and life lessons. To help young gamers take learning “to the max™,” we’re launching Blizzard Kidzz: a suite of educational games set in the Blizzard game universes. Blizzard Kidzz games will cover important subjects for gamers aged 6 and up, including mathematics, reading/writing, science, history, and more! Visit the Blizzard Kidzz preview page now for screenshots, game descriptions, and preorder information!

12 years ago