WoW Weekly: The Siren Isle Content Update is Now Live, and More!

December 20th by Blizzard Entertainment

Heed the call of Siren Isle—Now Live!

Dive into mystery and mayhem with the newest content update in The War Within™— Siren Isle. Explore an enigmatic outdoor zone, procure new items and rewards for you and your alternate characters, engage in new campaign chapters—Dalaran epilogue and Lingering Shadows prologue to Undermine(d)—and more!

As raging tempests batter against Siren Isle, set off on an expedition to face off against a weekly rotation of adversaries while unraveling baffling new mysteries surrounding the abandoned Kul Tiran Azerite mine.

Seek out Dawn, located in Foundation Hall, for the questline, The Expedition Awaits, to begin your journey to Siren Isle. It's up to you, intrepid adventurer, to discover the fate of those who once lived and worked here. Explore alongside goblin, earthen, and Arathi expedition teams to learn more about the "singing crystal" at Siren Isle's heart.

We look forward to seeing how you fare during your adventures on Siren Isle. An overview of what's coming ahead can be read in our article.

Save up to 50% During Our Holiday Sale!

Greatfather Winter's Sleigh is brimming with festive deals—give the gift of The War Within, transform your in-game experience with discounts on select game services, or get your Hero up to speed with Character Level Boosts, and don't miss out on a variety of adorable pets, majestic mounts, and more!

  • Get Back in the Fight with 30% off The War Within and choose from Base, Heroic, or Epic Edition to begin your new adventure.
  • Get up to 50% off on Select Mounts, Pets, Toys, and Transmogs to add to an ever-expanding Collection.
  • Save Up to 30% off Select Game Services in WoW and WoW Classic.

Further details on these savings and more can be found in our previously published article.

WoWCast: Take a Trip into the Undermine in Our Next Content Update

Join Game Designer, Battleground and Arenas David Hollings, Assistant Lead Quest Designer Mark Kelada, and host Community Manager Bethany Hudson for WoWCast as we go deep underground to the Undermine to learn more about what’s coming in the next content update in The War Within— Undermine(d).

There’s more at play here than it first seems, and goblin politics are treacherous and fraught with the underpinnings of something more where Xal’atath is concerned. An overview of what's coming ahead can be read in our article. Keep an eye out for the Public Test Realm (PTR) in the new year ahead.

WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Arrives 9 January

Ring in the new year with the updated Honor System, the opening of iconic battlegrounds Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley, and the release of Dire Maul and the world bosses, Azuregos and Kazzak. 

Release Timetable: 

  • 1/9: Phase 2 including the updated Honor System, Dire Maul, and world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak. 
  • 1/16: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds Open 

Phase 2 of the Anniversary Edition introduces the updated Honor System currently in use on both WoW Classic Era realms and in Season of Discovery. At the launch of the phase, the Honor cap will be set to Rank 11, with it extending to Rank 14 shortly after the release of the Blackwing Lair raid dungeon at a later date.  

This phase also marks the release of Dire Maul dungeon and the world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak, offering even more exciting encounters to dive into. Get ready to dive into the action on 9 January at 22:00 GMT globally.

More information can be found in our previously published article.

Frolic in Festive Feast of Winter Veil Fun Now!

Chill and be merry with your gnomies during the Feast of Winter Veil!

The fine folks of Smokywood Pastures aren't letting anything get in the way of spreading holiday cheer—or gaining a bit of profit. Winter Veil has come to Azeroth, and with it come all the holiday's fripperies, fineries, and delectable comestibles.

When: December 19 – January 5
Where: Initial holiday quests can be found in Orgrimmar and Ironforge, but festive decorations can be found throughout Azeroth.

Behold!'Tis the season for celebration—the Feast of Winter Veil has arrived in The War Within with strongholds decked out in festive cheer, new gifts are stacked under the trees, and fresh items have been added to expand growing Collections—including new seasonal threads available from the Holiday Vendors.

Read more about what festivities you can participate in can be found in our article.

Read The War Within Comic,"Seasons"

As the Feast of Winter Veil draws near, loved ones around Azeroth gather close in celebration. The fabled Sons of Lothar are no exception, but amid their long-awaited reunion feast, something weighs on Alleria Windrunner: Xal’atath remains at large and could strike at any moment. Even against the festive trappings of Winter Veil, the paragon of the void elves can’t help but wonder if their peaceful days are indeed numbered . . .

Download the Comic

Clock-In to the Trading Post in January for Steam-Powered Fun

Time is on your side and steam-powered wonders await at the January Trading Post. This month, gear up with the Arsenal: Green Clockwork Contraptions Collection.

Mind your Tender—we'll be celebrating the second anniversary of the Trading Post in February with an extension to the Reward Bar during that month, allowing you to earn an additional 500 Trader's Tender through a variety of activities and expand your spending power on a wide several selections—including previously released Transmogs, mounts, pets, toys, and previous monthly rewards. You’ll find these items on two new event vendors during the month.

Arsenal: Green Clockwork Contraptions Collection
“Spring into the new year with all manner of clockwork contraptions.”
Includes: Cloak/Back, Two-Hand Mace, Fist Weapon, Gun, Shield

Complete activities to fill the bar at the top of the Traveler’s Log found in the Adventure Guide (Shift-J), and you'll receive this month's bonus reward — the Arsenal: Green Clockwork Contraptions Collection. Gear up to take on any adventure at full steam.

Visit T&W (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar to check out all the latest items they have available.

Players can also visit the Trading Post in the capital city of Dornogal (The Foregrounds) on the Isle of Dorn where representatives of both Tawney and Wilder and the Zen’shiri Trading Post are open for business.

Here's Some of the January Stock

Read through our previously published article for a detailed list of all the items available from the January Trading Post and how to get them.

Champions new or returning to World of Warcraft and The War Within who want to know more can take a tour of the Trading Post to learn everything you need to know, from where to find it to how you can earn additional Trader's Tender through the Traveler's Log.

Sign Up for The Great Push Now!

The Great Push (TGP) returns in January 2025! Register today for a chance to become the first Great Push champions of The War Within and to earn the Tempered Banner of the Algariby by completing the Time Trials.

The Time Trials begin on 22 January—a five-day qualification period where any registered team can push keystones as high as possible on the Tournament Realms. The top sixteen teams from Time Trials advance to the Group Stage commencing January 31, where they’ll push pre-assigned keystones against the clock live on Twitch and YouTube. The final eight teams will advance to the TGP Global Finals, where $200,000 (USD) will be on the line as well as the title of first TGP champions of The War Within!

Registration for The Great Push is now open on Raider.IO. Register by 17 January for your chance to earn the Tempered Banner of the Algari and a combined $260,000 (USD) in prizes.

We’re making some changes to the overall format of The Great Push in The War Within™ ahead of the Time Trials starting on 22 January. These changes are designed to keep the action exciting throughout all broadcast stages of the tournament, and we’re excited to see it play out through the Season. Be sure to read about these changes and more in our previously published article.

Celebrate the World of Warcraft® 20th Anniversary with Razer

Continue your unforgettable adventures in Azeroth with Razer’s best-in-slot gear with Razer Chroma RGB support. For a limited time, you’ll also receive the Iron Skyreaver, Coral-Stalker Waveray, and Razeshi B mounts and pet with your purchase.

From 4 December 2024, to while stocks last, be among the first to buy the Razer Naga V2 Pro, Razer Blackwidow V4 Pro, Razer Kraken V4 Pro, Razer Firefly V2 Pro, or Razer Mouse Dock Pro and receive the following legendary event bundle item, which includes: Iron Skyreaver, Coral-Stalker Waveray, and Razeshi B.

Visit Razer’s official site today to learn more!

Don’t Delay—Support Cure Duchenne With the Reven Pack

Add the Reven Pack to your collection and support CureDuchenne to accelerate research toward a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and improve care for individuals worldwide living with the disease. But don’t delay! This adorable pack is only available through 7 January 2025 16:00 GMT.

Inspired by the incredible story captured in “The Remarkable Life of Ibelin” documentary about Mats “Ibelin” Steen—now live on Netflix— a Norwegian WoW® player who suffered from Duchenne muscular dystrophy. You can add the Reven Pack to your collection and support CureDuchenne to accelerate research toward a cure for Duchenne and improve care for individuals worldwide living with the disease.

All proceeds from The Reven Pack sales will support CureDuchenne, a global nonprofit leader in research, patient care, and innovation for improving and extending the lives of individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a progressive neuromuscular disease.

“Reven” means “the fox” in Norwegian, and this curious little companion can’t wait to discover the secrets of Azeroth by your side, no matter if you journey through the depths of Khaz Algar in modern World of Warcraft or the shattered world of Cataclysm Classic. In addition, the pack also includes the Reven’s Comfy Carrier for modern WoW—an adorable transmog backpack item with a sleeping Reven.

Add the Reven Pack to your collection today!

Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!

It won’t be long before the Trader’s Guilded Brutosaur leaves the shop. Get your awe-inspiring mount through 6 January 2025!

Celebrate camaraderie between the Alliance and the Horde with the awe-inspiring Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur, adorned with a 20th Anniversary themed harness encrusted with gems representing World of Warcraft’s expansions. Brave the world of Azeroth on this magnificent Zandalari beast with Morten and Killia, bringing the auction house and the mail to you on the go!

Don’t forget you can invest in your new gilded age with WoW Tokens. WoW Tokens purchased from the Auction house for gold can be redeemed for Balance. Learn more in our support article.

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Follow along on the official World of Warcraft news site for all the latest developments as we journey through the week together.