Patch Hotfixes: August 26
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently-released World of Warcraft Pre-expansion Patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.
Additional information about the patch can be found below.
August 26
- The Achievement “I Saw Solis” should now be awarded to participating players as expected.
Demon Hunter
- Demon Hunters can no longer go beyond the expected boundaries of the Temple of Kotmogu battleground.
- Lunar Strike splash damage increased to 35% of initial damage (was 18%).
- Mastery: Nature's Guardian once again gives 1% Attack Power per point, as intended.
- Nature's Guardian doesn't increase healing from Hand of the Protector, Ysera's Gift (self), Cleansing Waters, or Judgments of the Pure.
- Developers’ notes: Heals that scale with the Guardian's maximum health already benefit from Mastery, so further increasing their healing was "double-dipping" Mastery.
- Exhilaration (Marksmanship) now heals the Hunter for 30% of maximum health and the Hunter’s pet for 100%.
- Volley now deals additional damage at 100% of Attack Power (was 75%).
- Murder of Crows (Marksmanship) now deals damage equal to 162% of Attack Power (was 135%).
- Frostbolt damage increased to 185% of Spell Power (was 170%).
- Flurry damage increased to 105% of Spell Power (was 90%).
- Aura Mastery (Aura of Sacrifice) replicates 15% of effective healing (was 10%).
- Penance damage is now 190% of Spell Power (was 175%).
- The Penitent now heals 300% of Spell Power (was 275%).
- Shadow Word: Pain (Discipline) damage increased by 7%.
- Purge the Wicked additional damage increased to 48% of Spell Power (was 42%).
- Dominant Mind cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
- Schism now deals damage equal to 425% of Spell Power (was 400%).
- Developers’ notes: We recently identified a bug that was causing Discipline Priests to gain far more benefit than intended from caster DPS trinkets. While we do intend for Discipline to benefit from caster DPS trinkets (including through Atonement), and will be tuning those appropriately, we are slightly increasing the spec’s damage to account for the bug fix. We will continue monitoring the issue.
- Run Through damage reduced to 142% of Attack Power (was 150%).
- Between the Eyes damage reduced to 85% of Attack Power (was 88.5%).
- Mastery: Potent Poisons now provides a damage bonus of 4% per point (was 3.5%) and a bonus to Agonizing Poison of 2.0% per point (was 1.75%).
- Elaborate Planning now makes your finishing move grant a 15% bonus to damage (was 12%).
- Unleash Life increases your next heal by 45% (was 30%).
- Wellspring now heals for 375% of Spell Power (was 300%).
- Wellspring heals for 25% of normal value on full-health targets, if it has more than 6 targets.
- Developers’ notes: This does not reduce Wellspring's effective (non-overheal) healing. In the future we plan to find a different solution, but we felt it was it was better to address the interaction between Wellspring overhealing and Cloudburst Totem now, rather than wait to change it after it got more use.
- Drain Life now does damage of 35% of Spell Power per tick (was 30%).
- Drain Soul now does damage of 52% of Spell Power per tick (was 44%).
- Haunt damage increased to 700% of Spell Power (was 600%).
- Incinerate damage increased to 210% of Spell Power (was 190%).
- Players should now be able to see Archmage Khadgar during the quest “City Under Siege” without leaving Dalaran and returning.
- Implemented a fix for a bug that was causing a loss of sound with Creative SoundBlaster Audigy SE sound cards.
Player Versus Player - The following adjustments only apply to PvP abilities when used in PvP.
Death Knight
- Heartstop Aura now decreases cooldown recovery rate by 20% (was 30%).
- Heartstop Aura radius is now 8 yards (was 10 yards).
- Necrotic Aura radius is now 12 yards (was 10 yards).
- Apocalpyse (Unholy) now bursts 4 Festering Wounds (was 8).
- Cyclone cast time reduced to 1.7 seconds (was 2.0 seconds).
- Summer Solstice (Balance) reduces the cooldown of Solar Beam by 20 seconds.
Demon Hunter
- (Havoc) PvP Stat Assignment Adjustments:
- Agility reduced by 10%
- Mastery reduced by 60%
- Critical Strike increased by 30%
- Haste increased by 30%
- Developers’ note: Havoc Demon Hunter damage overall was quite high, so we reduced the amount of Agility they receive in PvP. We also felt that their Mastery contributed too much to excessive burst, so we’ve redistributed their secondary stat budget, reducing their Mastery, but increasing their Critical Strike and Haste.
- Glimpse (Havoc) now grants 3 seconds of Blur (was 1.5 seconds).
- Awaken the Demon (Havoc) now grants 6 seconds of Metamorphosis (was 8 seconds).
- The Beast Within (Beast Mastery) now reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).
- Kleptomania cooldown increased to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Arcane Blast (Arcane) now deals 15% more damage in PvP.
- Dragon Breath (Fire) duration reduced to 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Fireball (Fire) now deals 75% additional damage in PvP (was 150%).
- Firestarter (Fire) now reduces Combustion’s cooldown by 5 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Flamecannon (Fire) now stacks to 5 (was 3), but only increases damage, range, and health by 3% per stack.
- Greater Pyroblast (Fire) now deals 35% of the target’s health (was 25%).
- Ice Lance (Frost) deals 20% additional damage in PvP.
- Frost Bolt (Frost) deals 20% additional damage in PvP.
- Plunder Armor (Outlaw) reduces the target’s damage by 10% (was 20%) and increases the caster’s damage by 10% (was 20%).
- Run Through (Outlaw) damage reduced by 15% in PvP.
August 24
Demon Hunter
- Demon Speed now properly works in Battlegrounds and Arenas.
- Haste now properly reduces the cooldown of Throw Glaive.
- Consuming a Soul Fragment should no longer cancel Glide.
- Demon Hunters can now learn and use Leather-Agility goggles from Engineering.
- Starfall no longer stops dealing damage when striking a target that is immune to AOE.
- Stampede should ignore targets that are immune to AOE.
- Arcane Orb can no longer be used while silenced.
- The Dense Ice version of Ice Barrier can now be properly refreshed, even when the shield is undamaged.
- Body and Mind should not be castable while the Priest is silenced.
- The Arms Warrior talent Trauma should consistently apply via Whirlwind, even from maximum range.
- Hamstring no longer activates Opportunity Strikes.
- The new graveyard outside of Caverns of Time should now function properly while the Tanaris invasion is active.
- Stage 4 bosses should be doing a bit less melee damage per hit.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing some lower-level event reward armor from gaining item level upgrades when Warforged.
August 23
Death Knight
- Rune of Razorice now correctly increases the damage of some previously unaffected Frost abilities.
- Blood
- Blood Boil's damage has been reduced by 39%.
- Unholy
- Clawing Shadows damage has been changed to 130% weapon damage (was 150% Attack Power) and now requires facing the target.
Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Demon Blades now generates 12-20 Fury (was 15-20).
- Balance
- Blessing of Elune now increases Astral Power generation by 25% (was 40%).
- Blessing of An'she now grants 2 Astral Power every 3 seconds (was 2 Astral Power every 2.5 seconds).
- Lunar Strike now generates 12 Astral Power (was 10).
- Mastery: Starlight bonus has been increased to 2%/point (was 1.75%).
- Moonfire and Sunfire DoT damage has been decreased to 50% per tick (was 55%).
- Shooting Stars gives 4 Astral Power (was 5).
- Solar Wrath now generates 8 Astral Power (was 6).
- Developer's Note: We shifted some Astral Power generation from the level 90 talent row into the baseline spec. This both improves gameplay sub level 90 and reduces reliance on these talents at max level.
- Guardian
- Nature’s Guardian now increases health and healing received by 4% (was 8%). The Mastery amount has also been reduced accordingly.
- Ironfur now increases Armor by 100% (was 75%).
- Arcane
- Arcane Blast mana cost has been decreased to 3.0% base mana (was 3.2%).
- Fire
- Cinderstorm will no longer consume additional stacks of Ice Floes when damage occurs.
- Fire Mage critical strike chance has been increased by 5%.
- Critical Mass multiplier has been decreased to 1.1 (was 1.3).
- Developer's Note: We shifted some critical strike chance from a multiplier on gear to a flat bonus. This brings the value of critical strike for Fire closer to other stats and also limits the very high amounts of critical strike chance that can be reached with certain gear.
- Mistweaver
- Renewing Mist mana cost increased to 3.0% base mana (was 2.8%).
- Mastery: Gust of Mist now heals for 10% per Spell Power point (was 8.5%).
- Holy
- Divine Steed can no longer be used while Hexed.
- Holy: Rule of Law now correctly affects Bestow Faith and Holy Prism.
- Rule of Law now has a short cooldown to prevent the accidental use of both charges.
- Discipline
- Penance mana cost has been reduced to 2.8% base mana (was 3%).
- Mastery: Absolution now gives 1.5% per point (was 1.4%).
- Holy
- Body and Mind is no longer castable while Silenced.
- Death from Above will no longer refund excess combo points if the player is using Anticipation.
- Assassination
- Agonizing Poison now stacks 5 times (was 4).
- Deadly Poison instant damage has been increased to 17% Attack Power (was 14.2%).
- Envenom damage has been increased to 60% Attack Power per point (was 50%).
- Master Poisoner bonus damage has been decreased to 30% (was 40%).
- Rupture damage has been decreased to 25% Attack Power (was 30%).
- Developer's Note: We shifted some damage from Rupture into poison effects to increase the significance of poisons in the rotation and help poison-oriented talents better compete with bleed-oriented talents.
- Enhancement
- Windfury base proc rate has been increased to 10% (was 5%.)
- Rockbiter damage has been increased to 155% Attack Power (was 135%).
- Lightning Bolt (Enhancement) damage has been increased to 30% Spell Power (was 25%).
- Earthen Spike debuff damage has been increased to 15% (was 10%).
- Developer's Note: We increased Maelstrom generation slightly, by making Windfury proc more often.
- Elemental
- Storm Elemental Wind Gust now generates 10 Maelstrom per cast (was 8).
- Frost Shock damage has been increased slightly to 56% (was 52%).
- Liquid Magma Totem damage has been increased to 80% (was 70%).
- Destruction
- Havoc now duplicates Channel Demonfire bolts cast on other targets.
Bug Fixes
Demon Invasions
- Fixed a bug causing several creatures and/or their abilities to not scale properly to player level.
August 16
Death Knight
- Bone Shield now reduces damage taken by 16% (was 20%).
- Tremble Before Me's chance to fear now ramps up slightly slower.
- Red Thirst now reduces Vampiric Blood's cooldown by 1 second per 6 Runic Power spent (was 2 seconds per 10).
- Heart Strike damage reduced by 20%, but PvP mult removed (net increase of 7% in PvP).
Demon Hunter
- Demon Hunters can now gain reputation with Pearlfin Jinyu and Black Prince.
- Throw Glaive now deals the same damage to players as it does to NPCs for all Demon Hunters.
- Soul Cleave healing increased by 22%.
- Fel Blood (Mastery) now increases the physical damage reduction granted by Demon Spikes by 12% (was 8%), further increased by Mastery (always 1.5x as much as before).
- Soul Carver now has a 40 sec cooldown (was 60 sec).
- Demon Hunters should be able to loot Pandaria world bosses.
- Maul damage increased by 23%.
- Mongoose Bite duration now 14 seconds (was 12 seconds).
- Survival Hunters’ companions now gain twice the benefit from Mastery.
- Flurry mana cost reduced by 75%.
- The maximum duration of Bone Chilling is now 8 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Special Delivery now has a chance to crit when doing damage.
- Light of the Protector and Hand of the Protector now heal for 35% of missing health (was 25%).
- Bulwark of Order now grants an absorb for 40% of the damage done (was 20%).
- Surrender to Madness now provides +150% Insanity (was +200%).
- Fixed an issue where using Pick Pocket could cause you to enter combat.
- Rainfall now heals for 50% of Spell Power (was 25%).
- Incinerate damage increased to 190% of Spell Power (was 170%).
- Immolate no longer has a chance to generate a shard on its direct damage.
- Roaring Blaze now increases Immolate damage by 25% (was 50%).
- Never Surrender now increases Ignore Pain absorption by up to 75% (was 100%).
- Revenge damage reduced by 20%.
- Dragon Scales now increases Ignore Pain absorption by 40% (was 60%).
- Invasion frequency has been increased, and XP awarded for completing an invasion has been reduced.
- Demon Invasion reward armor now has a small chance to be Warforged.
- The Captive Wyrmtongue vendor should once again offer the Glaive of the Fallen to all classes.
- The item Gods and Monsters has been restored to its proper function, and will now be sent to players who complete the Gods and Monsters Achievement, allowing them to start the quest “Gods and Monsters”.