[Updated 12/6] Make Merry at the December Trading Post
[Updated 12/6] Some additional items which were initially missing in the vendor inventory at the start of this month's Trading Post have been added: Chipped Gladius, Craftsman Timber Mallet, Chilled Touch of the Comdemned, Glittering Fel Gavel, and Lost Crusader's Azure Battleaxe.
New class armor sets and weapon sets are available for the Evoker, Hunter, Mage, and Shaman in this month’s Trading Post* offerings. This month’s signature item—Buttercup the baby moose pet.
Visit T&W** (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar to check out all the latest items*** they have available.
Ride the Final Surge to the Finish
This month, new activities are available to help players catch up on their activity bar. These events will begin one week before the end of the month.
Here’s What’s in Stock for December
Class Armor Sets and Weapon Sets
Scales of the Silver Hoarder
Item Type: Head, Shoulder Waist
Cost: 450 Trader's Tender
Treasure of the Silver Hoarder
Item Type: Saber of the Silver Hoarder (1-Hand Sword), Flames of the Silver Hoarder (Off Hand), Flight of the Silver Hoarder (Staff)
Cost: 500 Trader's Tender
Hornstrider Warrior’s Camouflage
Item Type: Head, Shoulder Waist
Cost: 450 Trader's Tender
Hornstrider Warrior’s Preference
Item Type: Hornstrider’s Serrator (Polearm), Hornstrider’s Warrior’s Pride (Bow), Hornstrider’s Harpooner (Gun)
Cost: 500 Trader's Tender
Battle Magister’s Regalia
Item Type: Head, Shoulder Waist
Cost: 450 Trader's Tender
Battle Magister’s Enchantments
Item Type: Battlemaster’s Shard (Staff), Battle Magister’s Scimitar (1-Hand Sword), Battle Magister’s Scepter (Off Hand)
Cost: 500 Trader's Tender
Imminence of Krag’wa’s Executor
Item Type: Head, Shoulder Waist
Cost: 450 Trader's Tender
Tools of Krag’wa’s Executor
Item Type: Safeguard of Krag’wa’s Executor (Shield), Talons of Krag’wa’s Executor (Fist Weapon), Hatchet of Krag’wa’s Executor (1-Hand Axe)
Cost: 500 Trader's Tender
Pets, Mounts, and Toys
Armor Transmogs
Weapon Transmogs
This Month’s Bonus Reward

Buttercup the baby moose.
His pink antlers make him the life of any party.
Complete activities to fill the bar at the top of the Traveler’s Log found in the Adventure Guide (Shift-J)***, and you’ll receive this month’s bonus reward— Buttercup the baby moose pet.
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Plant Dreamseeds in the Emerald Dream | 25 | |
Participate in Superblooms | Participate in 3 Superbloom events in the Emerald Dream. | 25 |
Earn Reputation with the Dream Wardens | 100 | |
Complete Dragonriding Courses in the Emerald Dream | Speak to a Bronze Timekeeper in the Emerald Dream. | 50 |
Complete Dragonriding Challenge Courses in the Emerald Dream. | Speak to a Bronze Timekeeper in the Emerald Dream. | 50 |
Complete Reverse Dragonriding Courses in the Emerald Dream | Speak to a Bronze Timekeeper in the Emerald Dream. | 50 |
Obtain Flightstones | 100 | |
Upgrade Items Using Flightstones | 100 |
WoW's 19th Anniversary (December 1 - December 6)
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Slay Doomwalker | Kill Doomwalker in Tanaris. | 100 |
Participate in Korrak's Revenge | Participate in the Korrak's Revenge battleground. | 100 |
Darkmoon Faire (December 3 - December 9)
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Complete Target: Turtle | Complete the quest Target: Turtle on Darkmoon Faire Island. | 50 |
Eat a Corn-Breaded Sausage After Your Ride | Ride the Darkmoon carousel or roller-coaster, then eat a corn-breaded sausage. | 25 |
Wanderer's Festival (December 7)
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Attend the Festival | Attend the Wanderer's Festival at Turtle Beach in Krasarang Wilds. | 100 |
Launch a Lantern and Read "Waiting for the Turtle" | Launch a lantern and read "Waiting for the Turtle" at the Wanderer's Festival in Krasarang Wilds. | 75 |
World Quest Bonus Event (December 12 - December 18)
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Complete World Quests | Complete 10 World Quests | 50 |
Feast of Winter Veil (December 16 - December 31)
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Kill 3 Festive Bosses | Kill three bosses. | 50 |
Kill 6 Festive Bosses | Kill six bosses. | 50 |
Kill 9 Festive Bosses | Kill nine bosses. | 50 |
Obtain a Finely-Tailored Holiday Hat | Obtain a Finely-Tailored Holiday Hat | 50 |
Gain Chillin' | Gain Chillin' from Coldrage's Cooler. | 25 |
Dance Around the Tree While Dressed for the Occasion | Dance with another player near the festive tree while wearing Winter Garb. | 50 |
Slay The Abominable Greench (Twice, To Be Sure) | Kill The Abominable Greench the Hillsbrad Foothills. Twice. | 50 |
Play with your Winter Veil Gift | Gain 100 stacks total playing with your new toy or someone else's. | 200 |
Pet Battle Bonus Event (December 19 - December 25)
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Defeat Northrend Master Tamers with a Little Helper | Use at least one Little Helper to defeat all Northrend Master Tamers. | 75 |
Fireworks Celebration(December 31)
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Launch Red and Blue Fireworks in Capital Cities | Launch 10 Red or Blue Fireworks in Stormwind or Orgrimmar while the fireworks celebrations are happening. | 100 |
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Complete Alterac Valley Battlegrounds | 100 | |
Kill Enemies in the Cold | Slay 30 enemies. | 50 |
Slay Players in The Emerald Dream | 100 | |
Loot Rousing Ire | 100 |
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Catch a Winter Pet | Catch one of the wintery pets. | 50 |
Defeat Dream Pets | Defeat 5 pets found in the Emerald Dream. | 50 |
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Fish Up Items at Iskarra Tuskarr Fishing Holes | 50 | |
Complete Weekly Gathering Quests | Speak to a profession trainer in the Artisan's Market in Valdrakken. | 100 |
Recraft Equipment | Use a crafting profession to recraft equipment at a crafting bench. | 50 |
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Defeat the Lich King | Kill the Lich King in the Icecrown Citadel. | 50 |
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Complete Quests in Northrend | 100 |
Title | Description | Travel Points |
Shiver at Ragnaros | Emote /cold at Ragnaros in the Molten Core. | 25 |
Be Resurrected | 25 | |
Have a Snowball Fight | Hit other players with snowballs, or get hit by theirs! Snowballs can be purchased from Smokeywood Pastures vendors in capital cities. | 25 |
How it Works
Get Tender Every Month
At the first of each month, players with an active account in good standing will receive 500 Trader’s Tender automatically every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache. If you don’t have active game time on your account or aren’t a subscriber at the start of a new month, don’t worry. Your Tender will be awarded on the first day of the month when you do have game time or an active subscription. This will be the same amount for everyone, regardless of how you pay for your game time.
The Traveler's Log
Complete monthly activities listed in the new Traveler’s Log. Each month features a rotating, themed set of activities. These activities provide the opportunity to earn up to 500 additional Trader’s Tender. There’s only a set amount of Tender you can earn each month through completing activities, so you won’t need to complete all the ones in the log each month. You’ll be able to pick and choose from a variety of fun in-game activities to easily earn Tender. Players can choose to earn by continuing to play the game as they already do, such as completing quests, competing in battlegrounds, participating in holiday activities, and even running Mythic+ dungeons. But you can also choose to take part in activities uniquely designed for the month.
Freeze an Item
Before the month comes to an end, if you haven’t purchased that one “must-have” item yet, don’t worry. You can “freeze” an item so you can purchase it later. When you freeze an item, it will stay available month over month until it is purchased or replaced.
If this month’s offerings didn’t have the items you wanted, you can hang on to your Trader’s Tender to spend later. It won’t go anywhere, and unspent Tender will continue to accumulate each month.
Learn more about the Trading Post in our previously published news post on the official site.
*The Trading Post feature is not available in WoW Classic titles.
**Requires World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time
***Requires Level 10 to access the Adventure Guide.