blog results for Emerald Nightmare
2 Results
World of Warcraft: Legion Release Schedule

World of Warcraft: Legion launches in North America at 12:00 am PDT on August 30. To help you keep track of all of the events that surround the launch, we’ve put together some additional times and dates you’ll want to note down.

The Story So Far...

The Lich King's reign of terror was over. As if to affirm that a bright future would soon dawn on Azeroth, other joyful events occurred across the world. Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage was at last freed from his imprisonment by the shadowy Emerald Nightmare through the efforts of his love, High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, and her allies. Elsewhere, after years in exile, the highly intelligent gnomes and the fearless Darkspear trolls made gains toward reclaiming their respective homes in Gnomeregan and on the Echo Isles.