It’s time once more to don your finest finery, drink a little egg nog, and embrace the spirit of giving (the Smokywood Pastures way). The Feast of Winter Veil has begun!
It’s time once more to don your finest finery, drink a little egg nog, and embrace the spirit of giving (the Smokywood Pastures way). The Feast of Winter Veil has begun!
Every year, the inhabitants of Azeroth put words to thought in a plea to Greatfather Winter that he might bring to them that which they desire most … Presents!
There’s much to see and do, and we have our eye on what the community's up to, too.
It’s the time of year when the many residents of Azeroth take time to pause and think about all of the good and bad they’ve wrought throughout the year. And even if their self-reflection reveals the shriveled heart of the Greench, they’ll write a letter to Greatfather Winter anyway in the hopes they’ll get just want they want for Winter Veil.