blog results for wow classic
5 Results
World of Warcraft® Classic Season of Discovery is Now Live!

Gather your friends and allies and start a fresh adventure in World of Warcraft® Classic! Scour the lands of Azeroth to discover class-altering abilities, new endgame activities, a new Rune Engraving system, and more.

Meet the WoW Classic Fall Conquest Regional Champions!

The best WoW Classic European and North American teams took to Arathi Basin for an intense three-week tournament to decide which teams were the true champions in each region.

Viewer’s Guide: WoW Classic Fall Conquest

Tune in beginning Saturday, October 3 at 10:00 a.m. PDT to watch the WoW Classic Fall Conquest!

Introducing the World of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest

Registration is open for the World of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest!

Viewer's Guide: WoW Classic Summer Bowl

Tune in beginning Saturday, June 20 at 10:00 a.m. PDT to watch the first WoW Classic esport event of the summer.