blog results for Comics
4 Results
Community News

Welcome to the Community News! There is always some interesting news, fan fiction, comic, artwork, guide or machinima that is worth sharing. In this blog we will provide you with a recap of this week's latest news and community highlights!

13 years ago
Community News

I've read things you people wouldn't believe. Fan site updates setting the mind on fire and shaping opinion. I watched WoW comics full of glittering comedy and dark drama. All those threads to be found on the WoW forums, interesting and fun… time to read.

13 years ago
Community News

A new week, a new Tuesday, a new Community News. Hot stuff this week has been 4.2 PTR changes, the 4.2 trailer, and more on the Arena Comunity Challenge. Oh, and don't forget to read about the superdupermegaultrapowerful healing touch in the comics section ;)

13 years ago
Community News

Ten years ago, a field bellman unit was sent to the stockades by the House of Nobles for announcing news that was too shocking. These bellmen promptly escaped from the maximum security stockades to the Stormwind underground. Today, still wanted by the Nobles, they survive as town criers of fortune. If you want the latest fan site news, and amusing WoW Comics, and interesting Forum Threads as well, maybe you can read... The Community News.

13 years ago