blog results for Guilds
3 Results
Explorers' League Journal: Entry VII

Welcome, travelers, to the seventh edition of the Explorers’ League Journal, and the first edition of the new year. Here's just a handful of the happenings you might have missed over the holidays.

14 years ago
Guild Flask and Cauldron Hotfixes

We've recently implemented a number of hotfixes directly related to guild achievements, flasks, and cauldrons. When first designing the guild achievements, we overestimated the number of flasks that guilds would be able to make by the time they reached guild level 10, and set the number of Cataclysm flasks required for the two related guild achievements to 10,000 (Mix Master) and 25,000 (Better Leveling Through Chemistry). In reality, most guilds have made fewer flasks than we had originally anticipated they would at this point in guild progression, and many players will soon be unlocking a guild perk (Chug-A-Lug) directly related to cauldrons and flasks.

14 years ago
Rated Battlegrounds FAQ

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is just around the corner -- and that means Rated Battlegrounds will soon be available. While Rated Battlegrounds will only be open to level-85 characters, we know many of you may still have some questions about this new system, so we've put together an FAQ to help address some of the more common inquiries we've seen.

14 years ago