blog results for Fansites
16 Results
Community News

Welcome to the Community News! There is always some interesting news, fan fiction, comic, artwork, guide or machinima that is worth sharing. In this blog we will provide you with a recap of this week's latest news and community highlights!

13 years ago
Community News

Welcome to the Community News! There is always some interesting news, fan fiction, comic, artwork, guide or machinima that is worth sharing. In this blog we will provide you with a recap of this week's latest news and community highlights!

13 years ago
Community News

I've read things you people wouldn't believe. Fan site updates setting the mind on fire and shaping opinion. I watched WoW comics full of glittering comedy and dark drama. All those threads to be found on the WoW forums, interesting and fun… time to read.

13 years ago
Community News

Deep in the core of the earth, the wheels of time grind and creak while shaping the fate of men. The past and present are churned together into one path as the great wheels move forward in time. This Tuesday may seem quite insignificant to those operating the great wheels, but for the mortals living above, Tuesday means Community News, and to them the time has come to read the latest fan site updates, laugh at the latest WoW comics, and join the discussions in interesting forum threads.

13 years ago
Community News

Ahh… It is Friday! The end of the week is upon us, and one feels giddy just thinking of all the fun to be had this glorious weekend. But wait! Before we start whistling innocently and casually walk out into the hallway to empty the vending machine of all those awesome waffles and then run off into the sunset laughing like maniacs, it is time for the Community News… After all, no Friday is truly complete without the latest fan site updates, WoW comics, and of course the forum watch.

13 years ago
Community News

A new week, a new Tuesday, a new Community News. Hot stuff this week has been 4.2 PTR changes, the 4.2 trailer, and more on the Arena Comunity Challenge. Oh, and don't forget to read about the superdupermegaultrapowerful healing touch in the comics section ;)

13 years ago
Community News

I have seen worlds bathed in the Community News. The fan sites posting news without so much as a whimper. Entire WoW Comics written and drawn in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once. Yet all throughout, the forums, that are full of informative... and fun threads. I... have... reported... FORUM TROLLS!

13 years ago
Community News

The hungry monster was hungry indeed, but his cravings were of an entirely different nature this day… He had no hankerings for human flesh, nor yearnings for fat livestock. What the monster wanted was the Community News full of ripe fan site updates, bountiful comics, and delicious forum threads and fan creations!

13 years ago
Community News

The Community News was a dream given form. Its goal: to prevent another war by creating a place where Horde and alliance could work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call, home away from home for PvE’ers, PvP’ers, Hardcore, and Casuals. Horde and alliance wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of floating lumber, all alone in Azeroth. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace.

13 years ago
Community News

To read, or not to read, that is the question.  Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to learn of news from the Community. The updates and articles of fan sites. Or to read comics with stories of fun or troubles. And by reading the forums? To learn, to laugh.

13 years ago
Community News

Welcome to the latest Friday edition of the Community News, featuring fansite updates, fan creations, WoW comics and fun forum threads.

13 years ago
Community News

We know what you're thinking: "Did they post six fansite updates or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement we kind of lost track ourselves. But being as this is the Community News, with the most powerful collection of WoW Comics in the world, and forum threads that will blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya?

13 years ago
Community News

Ten years ago, a field bellman unit was sent to the stockades by the House of Nobles for announcing news that was too shocking. These bellmen promptly escaped from the maximum security stockades to the Stormwind underground. Today, still wanted by the Nobles, they survive as town criers of fortune. If you want the latest fan site news, and amusing WoW Comics, and interesting Forum Threads as well, maybe you can read... The Community News.

13 years ago
Community News

Fansites, Comics and Forum threads; all the good stuff gathered for your enjoyment in this week's last Community News. Whether interested in launching foxes to the sky, watching Al'Akir 25 man Heroic kills, or looking for guides, we have you covered this weekend!

13 years ago
Community News

Friday is upon us, which is AWESOME NEWS! Why is it awesome you might ask? Well, because Friday means fresh Community News for your enjoyment! Today’s Community News brings you the latest updates from our awesome fan sites, new awesome WoW comics and an awesome selection of interesting threads that were recently posted on our forums.

13 years ago
Community News

In today's Community News you can read the latest WoW fan comics, the rules of machinima, and even find some interesting reading for those who want to improve their PvP play. In the forums, interesting threads about Deathwing's Facebook status and many other threads welcome your participation!

13 years ago